Tic-Tac-Toe Scala-3 & ZIO


  1. In current directory open sbt console.
  2. Use compile to compile to source code.
  3. Use run to run the application.


  • Add Unit tests both property based and munit based.
  • play around to see if we can create our own IO Monad with basic combinator functions and use that instead of ZIO.
  • Few more enhancements to game:
    • Make computer bit smart to use better strategy.
    • How can we design this game so that it can be played by multiple players over internet.
    • Think how to extend when multiple players are playing (each having session etc).
    • What if we have save the game status.
    • What if we have to store games and have a way to replay already played game.
    • Can computer learn from already played games to have better strategy!!