Set random generic password as default for users
Closed this issue · 6 comments
When creating a new user we could use a button to create a random password for this user. A random password should also be set as default when the user is created.
Currently the password field is not shown at all when creating a user. So we have to save the user and then edit them again. This seems odd and I think it would be best to show the password fields when creating the user in the first place.
Additionally we should then have a simple button to create a random password for the user. Best title I can think of is simply [ Set random passwort ]. If there's already a password set then there should be a simple request to make sure setting a new password is intentionally.
The password is randomly generated on creating a new user, then an email is sent to the user with this temporary password:
Oh. I didn't know that :) is that new?
It's from the original project.
:) ok. Then maybe it would be good to show some stars or a message which explains that. In my case I'd wish I could simply enter passwords manually.
Even with a password quality check.
Perfect ! Thanks.