
System.ArgumentException: DateTimeKind.Unspecified cannot be safely converted

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When trying to create a iOS notification the following exception is raised:

System.ArgumentException: DateTimeKind.Unspecified cannot be safely converted

Stack trace:

at Foundation.NSDate.op_Explicit (System.DateTime dt) <0x100a9ec60 + 0x00134> in <1b8eccd9010447b8b48086ab0847b072#cf1c5bcf20ff0d1d090c0ef3d19a28e9>:0
at SaturdayMP.XPlugins.Notifications.iOS.NotificationScheduler.Create (System.String title, System.String message, System.DateTime scheduleDate) <0x10100a060 + 0x0008b> in <7814bf6e70f9455da45abd17ce22b14c#cf1c5bcf20ff0d1d090c0ef3d19a28e9>:0

I think this issue is fixed. It was caused by not converting a C# date to a NSDate correctly.