
Webpack v2.1.0-beta.23 and later breaks quik

siddacious opened this issue · 9 comments

If you refer to webpack/webpack#3018 , it seems there was a breaking change in how webpack validates configuration objects. I was able to get quik to work by forcing it to use v2.1.0-beta.22, however a smarter person than I will have to figure out how to adjust how quick is using webpack's configuration object.

@BSiepert Thanks for the report. I'll investigate ASAP.

@BSiepert Meanwhile, how did you force it to use v2.1.0-beta.22?

@felippenardi see the diff in the linked pull request. In short you just need to edit quik's package.json line for webpack and remove the carat at the beginning of the line to change
"webpack": "^2.1.0-beta.22",
"webpack": "2.1.0-beta.22",

@BSiepert How do I generate a distribution version after modifying it?

I'm not sure what you mean by "generate a distribution version"; in my case I modified the package.json in place wherever quik got installed , probably did an npm install and things worked.

@BSiepert I tried that and ran npm install but it failed on trying to recreate the dist folder saying that src doesn't exist. Now quik from the CL doesn't run at all.

Fyi @felippenardi this is probably a really unintuitive way to do it, but I just grabbed the quik source from this repo and put it in a temp folder, changed the webpack version in package.json, then ran npm install. Then I copied the resulting bin/ dist/ and node_modules/ folders into the globally installed version. Now it appears to working without an error!

sorry for not looking into this issue. just a little busy with work an other things. for now it's hardcoded (thanks @BSiepert ), I'll take a look when I get time.

If anyone has time to take a look, it'll be great!

Fixed by 08fe9fd