
explicitly close implicit calls

aeosynth opened this issue · 21 comments

eg f a ^^ b -> f(a)(b). i'm not method chaining

currently, i have to write f(a) b, (f a) b

we may use <| to reflect wirh |>

Current paren-free (but ugly) solutions are:

  • f a .call null b
  • f a |>& b

use <|

How'd that help?

a b <| c => a(b) c

That's hardly a reverse of |>; doesn't make sense.

indeed, we can't use $ etc

F♯ you mean?

Another solution:

Function::$ = -> @apply null, arguments

f a .$ b

which imitates Haskell's $.

Huh, that's neat.

F♯ you mean?

thanks - had trouble remembering where it was from

which imitates Haskell's $.

indeed, but -- that's horrendously slow :/.

And another:


f a ._ b

Workarounds aside, I guess we can add it if we can find an intuitive symbol for it. The proposed ^^ doesn't feel quite right.

EDIT : removed the part where I'm dumb.

any suggest ?

f a >< b

sort of looks like the middle parentheses of

( f a )( b )

if you squint.

f a |>& b doesn't help if i want to store the final result:

$ coco -bce 'c = f a |>& b'
var x0$, c;
x0$ = c = f(a);

not sure if this is a bug

no, that's how refs work

Why aren't we just stealing LiveScript's <|?

a b <| c

That's hardly a reverse of |>; doesn't make sense.

Sure, but does it have to be?

does it have to be what?

Functionally related to |>.

variations: >|, |<

Functionally related to |>.

No I agree and I'd +1 the <| but yeah |> is ref in coco

f a >< b sort of looks like the middle parentheses of ( f a )( b )

Nice one. Easily extendable to an existential version: f a >?< b