
Keyless variable in implicit object

vendethiel opened this issue · 6 comments

We have {a} in the case of an explicit object, but I don't quite seem to remember a feature that'd allow this kind of thing to be simplified:

a =
  b: b
  # since we have:
  ...: c
satyr commented

If you must:

a =
   ...: {b}

Hm, thanks. Would you be interested in supporting it, or not at all?

satyr commented

Support what?

a single-variable variation

satyr commented

But how? You can't blindly consume non-properties into a braceless object.

E.g. f p: q, g() wants to be f({p: q}, g()), not f({p: q, g: g}()).

no, not blindly. I was thinking of some syntax, like *: a, but this might just be good enough.