
It doesn't run with rakeup

isakib opened this issue · 6 comments

I've tried all possible ways to run with rakeup. That found, it runs with "ruby server.rb" to run the project on local server.

ruby server.rb is one way to run it. I believe the command you're looking for is rackup (e.g., bundle exec rackup to be precise). This works on my local development environment. Try it and let me know it's what you're looking for.

To be clear -- there is no rake task to launch the server. If you do a rake -T you'll see the following output:

rake gen_docs    # Generate docs
rake release     # Pushes tags and code to master, develop, and heroku
rake rm_uploads  # Cleanup uploaded files

These tasks are to handle the administrivia of the library (e.g., updating documentation, releasing the software to GitHub and Heroku, etc.).

Thanks. I was following file. So, I found bundle exec rackup does the job nicely, as you've mentioned.

Ah, I thought you were trying rakeup (which isn't a valid command).

Then, could you please update Start the server: => with bundle exec rackup instead of rakeup at file.

There's nothing to update since already states rackup (not rakeup). Adding bundle exec might benefit some people, but it's not necessary for everyone since this requirement varies based on your local development setup (e.g., RVM vs. rbenv with or without binstubs vs. direct install).

Thanks a lot @tourdedave for your support.