
This repository handles the training for my science fair project, predicting ragas from an audio input file. The total project includes 5000+ lines of code across different branches and iterations of the system.

Primary LanguagePython

Raga Training Repository

This repository handles the training for my science fair project, predicting ragas from an audio input file. The total project includes 5000+ lines of code across different branches and iterations of the system.

File Organization

File Description
train.py Actually manages backpropagation, network states, and access data loaders. Reports all training and validation accuracies to a TenssorBoard data logger.
data.py Handles data loading during training.
models.py Network model files, it's a class for models
utils.py Various training utilities

Branch Organization

Branch Description
Master (Stage #1 Training) Stage #1 training of simple convolutional network on chunks of data
Recurrent Conducts Stage #2 of training with additional two-layer LSTM network.
Leave One Validation Conducts thorough leave-one validation benchmark comparison for full recurrent PhonoNet architecture

Contact Me

If you have any questions or need assistance with this repository in any way, do not hesitate to contact me at sauhaarda@gmail.com. Personal website available here as well.