
`python-expr` one-liner seems to be a no-op

dovinmu opened this issue · 6 comments

The goal here is to extract out the string value of the first key in each item in the examples list.


!json-parse examples=examples

!python-foo errors are getting eaten unless you use !debug.

> /home/anja/git/aipl/aipl/
-> if cmd.op.rankout is None:
(Pdb) p result
Error(linenum=6, opname='python_expr', exception=AssertionError())

Ah, so this is a bit tricky.

This is the signature:

def op_python_expr(aipl, row, expr:str):

But, the only input operand that exists is that expr prompt. And it gets brought in as a Table and fails this assertion error:

> /home/anja/git/aipl/aipl/
-> assert isinstance(operand, LazyRow)
(Pdb) n

So, the problem is that python-expr needs both a row, and an expr. When it was the first !!, there was no source row for it to pull from.

When I changed it to this:

   1 !format                                                                                                                                                  
   2                                                       3 !read                                                                                                                                                       4                                                                                                                                                             5 !json-parse>examples examples=examples                                                                                                                   
   6 !python-expr>key                                                                                                                                         
   7 list(examples[0]['target_scores'].keys())[0]                                                                                                             
   8 !print    

There seems to be a bug at the !json-parse step:

  • we already know that examples=examples will not result in an examples column
  • >examples does not work either, for reasons I do not fully understand.
    • Weirdly, >examples>examples did.

A note:

sometimes, we will get this Exception for Python ops:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/anja/anaconda3/envs/aipl/bin/aipl", line 8, in <module>
  File "/home/anja/git/aipl/aipl/", line 87, in main
    inputs =, inputs)
  File "/home/anja/git/aipl/aipl/", line 128, in run
    return self.run_cmdlist(cmds, inputs)
  File "/home/anja/git/aipl/aipl/", line 178, in run_cmdlist
    raise AIPLException(f'AIPL Error (line {cmd.linenum} !{cmd.opname}): {e}') from e
  File "/home/anja/git/aipl/aipl/", line 39, in __str__
    r.append('    ' + codestr.splitlines()[frame.lineno-1])
IndexError: list index out of range

Where it is a failure at the __repr__. The reason it cannot be represented, is sometimes that there was an InnerPythonException.

And then you need to use --debug to see it:

  File "/home/anja/git/aipl/aipl/", line 84, in __getitem__
    raise KeyError(k)
KeyError: 'target_scores'

I think this is as far as I am going to get with debugging this, because I ran into the fundamental issue:

Screenshot from 2023-07-01 17-30-11

Which is how !json-parse processed the target_scores.

We might want to break this up into sub-tasks:

  • How do we find out earlier that a !python- Error is being hidden. (Default of !debug).
  • What is expected for !json-parse to return, and how should it then be interacted with. (Right now, it flattens dictionaries.)