
Can't disable mouse

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Small description

Mouse-disable commands do nothing. In-session disable states invalid command. I'm running in a headless environment over SSH. Since I don't have access to a system clipboard, I need to be able to select values.

Expected result

I should be free to select terminal text with my mouse.

Actual result with screenshot
If you get an unexpected error, please include the full stack trace that you get with Ctrl-E.

Not disabled. Not including a screenshot in order to avoid confusing the issue.

Steps to reproduce with sample data and a .vd
First try reproducing without any user configuration by using the flag -N.
e.g. echo "abc" | vd -f txt -N

Tried adding to ~/.visidatarc:

options.mouse_interval = 0 # disables the mouse-click                           
options.scroll_incr = 0    # disables the scroll wheel 

Tried disabling directly:

[SPACE] mouse-disable


[...]| no binding for mouse-disable

Please attach the commandlog (saved with Ctrl-D) to show the steps that led to the issue.
See here for more details.

Not necessary given that specific commands just aren't doing anything with no prior history.

Additional context
Please include the version of VisiData and Python.
VisiData: 1.5.2-1
Python: 3.8.10

VisiData was installed via Apt on Ubuntu 20.04.1 .

The bodge for my particular issue (needing to copy values out the remote terminal) is just to enter command mode, which makes everything in the terminal selectable.

Hi @dsoprea!

That's actually quite an old version of VisiData. We are now in v3.0+. Some of the things you see documented might not behave as expected.

Having said that, mouse-disable was actually not working on develop, and I went ahead and fixed that. You can install from the develop branch with pip3 install git+

There's nothing we can give you to put in your visidatarc to disable your mouse. But either Shift+Mouseclick or Option+Mouseclick should allow you to select text.

You're right. Updating to latest fixed things. Thank you for the hotkey. That works great. However, the configuration previously give did, in fact, disable the mouse (the cursor is now an I-beam by default in my remote terminal).

Thank you.