
Do more from the command line with Murano

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Murano Command Line Interface (CLI)

Gem Version Build Status Inline docs

Do more from the command line with Murano.

MuranoCLI is the command-line tool that interacts with Murano and makes different tasks easier. MuranoCLI makes it easy to deploy code to a solution, import many product definitions at once, set up endpoints and APIs, and more.

MuranoCLI works around the idea of syncing, much like rsync. Files from your project directory are synced up (or down) from Murano.


mkdir myproject
cd myproject
murano init

Update myproject.murano with the info about your project.

If this is a new project, you will also need to run murano assign set to connect the product and solution.

If this is an existing project, you want to run murano syncdown -V after running murano init.

Now do stuff, see what changed: murano status or murano diff. Then deploy with murano syncup

To start a brand new project step-by-step

There are a few steps and pieces to getting a solution with a product up and running in Murano. Here is the list.

  • Pick a business: murano business list.
    • If this is the first time you've run murano it will ask for your Murano username and password.
    • If you need to change change accounts, murano config user.name and murano password --help.
  • Choose the desired business id: murano config business.id ZZZZZZZZZ
  • Create a product: murano product create myawesomeproduct --save
    • Another option would be to choose an existing product: murano config product.id XXXXXXXX
  • Add resource aliases to specs/resources.yaml
  • Sync the product definition up: murano syncup -V --specs
  • Create a solution: murano solution create myawesomesolution --save
  • Sync solution code up: murano syncup -V
  • Assign the product to the solution: murano assign set

Do stuff, see what changed: murano status or murano diff. Then deploy with murano syncup


Gem Install (Linux and Macos)

When upgrading from a 1.* version to a 2.0, you should uninstall the old versions first.

> gem uninstall MuranoCLI MrMurano

And then install:

> gem install MuranoCLI

Or to install a specific version:

> gem install MuranoCLI -v 2.2.4 

Or to update to the latest:

> gem update MuranoCLI

You will likely need to be root for the above commands. If you would rather not install as root, you can install gems in the user directory.

> gem install MuranoCLI --user-install

Your PATH may need to be updated to find the installed murano command. See the Ruby Gem FAQ. In short, you need to add the output of ruby -rubygems -e 'puts Gem.user_dir' to your PATH.

Working With Different Versions of MuranoCLI

The murano command line tool is a Ruby gem and, as such, multiple versions of MuranoCLI can be installed and executed concurrently.

To illustrate working with multiple versions of MuranoCLI, the following code block shows how one can make reference to a specific version of the murano gem:

> gem list MuranoCLI --local
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
MuranoCLI (2.2.3, 2.1.0, 2.0.0)
> murano --version
murano 2.2.3
> murano _2.1.0_ --version
murano 2.1.0

Windows Install

The MuranoCLI gem will install on Windows. There is also a single Windows binary Setup installer available in releases

If you do not already use Ruby on Windows, then you should use the binary installer.

When upgrading, it is best to run the uninstaller for the old version before installing the new version.


Project File


You can monitor the log messages from your solution with the murano logs --follow. Or quickly get the last few with murano logs

MuranoCLI does a few things to make your log output easier to follow.

  • Adds color to easily see where each log message starts.
  • Reformats the timestamps to be in local time.
  • Finds JSON blobs and pretty prints them.

All of these can be toggled with command line options.


If you are developing you UI on seperate services and you need cross-origin resource sharing, you will need to set the CORS options.

The current CORS options can be fetched with murano cors

There are three opitons for setting, the first and preferred way is to put your CORS opitons into a file named cors.yaml.

Second and third are to put the CORS opitons in your project file. In the routes section, add a cors sub-section with either the name of the file to read, or the CORS options inline.

  cors: my_cors_file.json


  cors: {"origin": true}

Then use murano cors set to push these options up to your solution.

Writing Routes (or endpoints)

All of the routes that you create in your solution are identified by their method and path. You set this with the following line:


Optionally, you can set what the expected content type is too. (If you don't set this, the value is application/json)


An example of a route that puts csv data:

--#ENDPOINT PUT /api/upload text/csv

After this header line, the script to handle the route follows. Since many routes end up being a couple of lines or less, you can put multiple routes into a single file.

Which looks like this:

--#ENDPOINT GET /api/somedata
return Tsdb.query(…)

--#ENDPOINT PUT /api/somedata text/csv
return myimport_module.import(request)

--#ENDPOINT DELETE /api/startover
return Tsdb.deleteAll()

Writing Service Event Handlers

All of the event handlers you add to your solution are identified by which service they are watching and which event in that service triggers the script.

This is set with the following line:


For example, the event handler that processes all data coming from your devices could be:

--#EVENT device datapoint
local stamped = nil
if data.api == "record" then
  stamped = tostring(data.value[1]) .. 's'
  tags = {sn=data.device_sn},
  metrics = {[data.alias] = tonumber(data.value[2])},
  ts = stamped

MURANO_CONFIGFILE environment and Dotenv

The environment variable MURANO_CONFIGFILE is checked for an additional config to load. This in conjunction with dotenv support, allows for easily switching between development, staging, and production setups.

To use this, write the three solution ids into .murano.dev, .murano.stg, and .murano.prod. Then write the .env file to point at the system you're currently working on.

The files for this are then:

cat >> .murano.dev <<EOF

cat >> .murano.stg <<EOF

cat >> .murano.prod <<EOF

cat > .env <<EOF

This also allows for keeping private things in a separate config file and having the shared things checked into source control.

Direct Service Access

To aid with debugging, MuranoCLI has direct access to some of the services in a solution.

Currently these are:

  • Keystore: murano keystore
  • TSDB: murano tsdb

Output Format

Many sub-commands respect the outformat setting. This lets you switch the output between YAML, JSON, Ruby, CSV, and pretty tables. Not all formats work with all commands.

> murano tsdb product list
> murano tsdb product list -c outformat=csv
> murano tsdb product list -c outformat=json
> murano tsdb product list -c outformat=yaml
> murano tsdb product list -c outformat=pp

Product Content Area

MuranoCLI can manage the content area for a product. This area is a place to store files for use by devices. Typically holding firmware images for Over-The-Air updating. Although any kind of fleet wide data that devices may need to download can be stored here.

Once the product.id is set, the content for that product can be accessed with the following commands:

> murano content list
> murano content upload
> murano content info
> murano content delete
> murano content download

Call them with --help for details.


MuranoCLI uses git flow for managing branches.

MuranoCLI also uses bundler.

When submitting pull requests, please do them against the develop branch.


All test for MuranoCLI are done with rspec.

The tests are internal (--tag ~cmd) or command (--tag cmd). The internal tests are for the objects that build up the internals. The command tests run murano from the shell and are for testing the user facing components. A subset of the command tests work with the live Murano servers (--tag needs_password).

To use the live tests, the following environment variables need to be set:

  • MURANO_CONFIGFILE : A Config with the user.name, business.id, and net.host for the intergration tests.
  • MURANO_PASSWORD : Password for the user.name above.

A free account on Murano is sufficient for these tests.