No/wrong python version specified
Opened this issue · 2 comments
HalJordan commented
I'm getting this when I run it, and the shebang only shows "python":
% dnd-tools
/usr/bin/dnd-tools:3238: SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
if char_class is "Barbarian":
/usr/bin/dnd-tools:3826: SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
if char_class is "Barbarian":
What would you like to do?
1) (C)reate Character / NPC
2) (R)oll Dice
3) Roll Initiative (raw)
4) Encounter Experience Calculator
5) Get Treasure!
6) Tarokka Fortune Cards
7) Wild Magic (Roll Effect)
0) (Q)uit
What would you like to do? q
% head -n1 `which dnd-tools`
savagezen commented
When I created this project it was made for python 3.x which was 3.6 at the time. I don't actively maintain the project (as I'm not as involved in the development community as I used to be), but try to stay involved when I notice things flagged.
gamesbook commented
Surveys seems to show Python 3 has 90% support. Of these about two-thirds are using Python 3.7 or higher ( If I was maintaining a small Python project, that is the target demographic I would aim for.