
[feat]: Pinned items view

Closed this issue ยท 14 comments

Hello, I'm interested in implementing the Pinned Items View feature. I'm not really familiar with bubble tea yet but I'm going to learn. i would appreciate clarification on the issue description. Does this entail creating a separate view dedicated to pinned items alongside the regular clipboard view?

Hi @noornee ๐Ÿ‘‹ I'm happy to hear you'd like to implement this, it's been on the to-do list for a while now.

I'm not an expert with BubbleTea but I don't think a new view would be required. I was thinking an update could be made to the NewModel func, allowing a keybinding to be passed in as an arg, determining which items to return for the list view during the Update method. eg,

func NewModel(keyMsg string) model {
         var (
		delegateKeys = newDelegateKeyMap()
		listKeys     = newListKeyMap()
        clipboardItems := config.GetHistory()
	var entryItems []list.Item

	for _, entry := range clipboardItems {
		shortenedVal := utils.Shorten(entry.Value)
		item := item{
			title:       shortenedVal,
			titleFull:   entry.Value,
			description: "Date copied: " + entry.Recorded,
			filePath:    entry.FilePath,
                        pinned: entry.Pinned

        if (keyMsg == <not pinned>) {
              entryItems = append(entryItems, item)
       } else {
               // Code here for only appending entryItems where entry.Pinned == true       
      "...... rest of func code"
       return model {
		list:         clipboardList,
		keys:         listKeys,
		delegateKeys: delegateKeys,
                pinned:   pinnedBool

This approach would also require an update to the main model so that the app can toggle the pinned items on and off. eg,

type model struct {
	list         list.Model     
	keys         *listKeyMap    
	delegateKeys *delegateKeyMap 
        pinned   bool // this can be inspected during the Update method


Some way to differentiate the colors used for pinned items would also be a bonus.

These are my initial thoughts anyway, there could be some extra complexity I haven't considered yet so let me know if there's anything else I can try my best to clarify ๐Ÿ˜„

Thank you!

These are my initial thoughts anyway, there could be some extra complexity I haven't considered yet so let me know if there's anything else I can try my best to clarify ๐Ÿ˜„

Thank you!

Whoaa, Thank you so much for this!
you just made it easier for me to wrap my head around. Earlier when i was trying to implement the view function, i felt a bit frustrated because i couldnt wrap my head around how BubbleTea worked but looking at the code you just drafted out, it looks pretty simple. I'm going to implement this and give you a feedback on whatever complexity(i hope not) that might come up.

Thanks Again!

HIi @savedra1, The update works, the pinned items can be toggled on and off but the view isnt updated for the pinned items to display. I don't understand what i'm doing wrong ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ
Could you please provide further guidance ? Thank you ^^




I printed the status of m.pinned to stdout to see if the value is getting updated in real time.
i was using the tab key binding to update the status of m.pinned

this is the relevant commit

Hi @noornee,

It looks like you're very close and the logic used looks great.

Looking at your commit, I can see the functionality for setting an item as pinned but I can't see another key binding for toggling the pinned items, this would be needed in the delegates as well as the keybind for 'pinning' individual items.

Also I think I may have lead you astray with the NewModel function (apologies). Now I'm thinking this doesn't actually need anything passing in as an arg, but the new delegate you add for 'toggling pinned items' can just add a new list directly to the model instead. Something like:

case key.Matches(msg, keys.togglePinned):
            // Toggle the showOnlyPinned flag
            m.showOnlyPinned = !m.showOnlyPinned

            // Create a filtered list of items based on the showOnlyPinned flag
            var filteredItems []list.Item
            for _, entry := range clipboardItems {
                // Create item...
                if !m.showOnlyPinned || entry.Pinned {
                    filteredItems = append(filteredItems, item)

            // Create a new list with the filtered items
            m.list = list.New(filteredItems, del, 0, 0)

            return nil 

With this approach newItemDelegate would need to inherit a pointer to the model and no changes would be needed to NewModel.

This is all theoretical and untested though so I'll take another look over the weekend in more detail but lmk if you manage to get it running ๐Ÿ˜„

Hiii @savedra1

Gosh, Thank you soooo much for your detailed response and guidance. <3

I see what you mean about the need for having another key binding for toggling the pinned items and updating the delegates accordingly. I'll work on that

Regarding the elimination of the need passing for arguments to the NewModel function, it makes sense to me now hehe ๐Ÿ˜…
I'll make the necessary adjustments.

I'll start implementing these changes and will keep you updated on my progress. Thank youu once again for your guidance. I'll do my best to get it up and running tonight!

No worries! @noornee thank you for your contributions.

I actually had some time just now and found a method to toggle the pinned items on and off using the list.Model directly in d.UpdateFunc:

func (parentModel *model) newItemDelegate(keys *delegateKeyMap) list.DefaultDelegate //inhert parent


case key.Matches(msg, keys.togglePin):
    if len(m.Items()) == 0 {

    if parentModel.togglePinned {
      parentModel.togglePinned = false
    } else {
      parentModel.togglePinned = true
    clipboardItems := config.GetHistory() //* this could become a function
    var filteredItems []list.Item
    for _, entry := range clipboardItems {
      shortenedVal := utils.Shorten(entry.Value)
      item := item{
        title:       shortenedVal,
        titleFull:   entry.Value,
        description: "Date copied: " + entry.Recorded,
        filePath:    entry.FilePath,
        pinned:      entry.Pinned,
      } // * this could become a function

      if !parentModel.togglePinned {
        filteredItems = append(filteredItems, item)
      } else if entry.Pinned {
        filteredItems = append(filteredItems, item)


    for i := len(m.Items()) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { // clear all items (maybe an inbuilt func for this)

    for _, item := range filteredItems { // adds all required items
      m.InsertItem(len(m.Items()), item)

This also required the following update to NewModel:

m := model{}
del := m.newItemDelegate(delegateKeys)

There may still be a more optimal way but this was working pretty well for me. Interested to see how you get on!

No worries! @noornee thank you for your contributions.

You're Welcome, it's all you. ๐Ÿฅน
you assisted me throughout the process and i really appreciate that.

There may still be a more optimal way but this was working pretty well for me. Interested to see how you get on!

Your solution is perfect ๐Ÿ˜ญ.
you've saved me a lot of headaches. I just implemented your solution and everything works perfectly.
The only thing left for me to do is to (oops, i accidentally closed the issue) do the bonus task of making the color of the pinned items more conspicuous

@noornee glad to hear it!

Yeah some sort of visual identifier would be good - also I think it'd be smart to prevent any pinned items from auto-deleting when max capacity is reached. That should be fairly simple logic in the 'add item' function to skip removal of the oldest item if pinned.

Happy to assist if needed :)

Hii @savedra1 , Gooday!

i want to update you on the little progress i've made and request your assistance on a few other things.
here's how it looks atm, did some hacky things and i'm trying to improve it.


is it okay the way it currently looks? or is there some other style you suggest i go with?

I think it'd be smart to prevent any pinned items from auto-deleting when max capacity is reached. That should be fairly simple logic in the 'add item' function to skip removal of the oldest item if pinned

I'm still on this. I'll let you know

@noornee I love it! ๐Ÿ˜

Very happy with that - can only think of two possible improvements:

  • A way to add the color of the pin to the theme file (may need to be indirect via the description with custom logic)
  • A way for the pin to appear instantly once added

Even without the above this is a great improvement and you've gotten to this point super quickly. Props to you!

@savedra1 Thank you so much for your kind words. ๐Ÿฅน
I'm so glad youre happy with how it looks >w<

I have made the suggested improvements.



The only thing left now is this...

I think it'd be smart to prevent any pinned items from auto-deleting when max capacity is reached. That should be fairly simple logic in the 'add item' function to skip removal of the oldest item if pinned

but I couldn't for the life of me make it work

I'm going to open a PR in a minute so you could review what I've done when you have the chance. Thank you!

@noornee thank you for the PR - I have added my review and merged ๐Ÿฅณ

I will leave this issue open for now in case you have any further questions about the review but feel free to close if it all makes sense.

Thank you again for your amazing contribution!

@noornee also I didn't spot this at the time but have also removed the pinned field from the struct as I don't believe this required anymore. See [PR #28]

Let me know if there was some other reason for this still being required though!

You're welcome andd Thank you @savedra1 for your guidance! ๐Ÿ˜ I've read your reviewed changes and i have no further questions. Everything looks good to me. I'll proceed to close this issue since all conditions have been met. Cheers!! ๐ŸŽŠ