
[Feature request] Copy multiple entries at once

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hello! Hope you're doing well. Thank you for creating this terminal-focused clipboard utility!

It'd be great if clipse has the ability to copy multiple entries at once, something like below:

  1. Ctrl-down (or some other keybindings) to visually select multiple entries
  2. Press copy command
  3. All entries (separated by new lines) are copied to the clipboard

Maybe even something like below:

  1. fuzzy search abc
  2. Press copy command
  3. fuzzy search def
  4. Press copy command

Result: both abc and def entries (separated by new lines) are copied to the clipboard.

Thank you!

Hey @kohane27, thank you for raising this!

I think this is a really great idea. Hadn't even considered it until now but I can totally see that being useful. I'll explore the possabilities for this in Bubbletea and aim to get this added to the next release 😎

Will keep you updated on any progress

fzf uses the tab key with a flag to select multiple files. If this becomes a thing it could be useful to have similar keybindings.

@kohane27 This feature has now been implemented in v1.0.0 🥳

Updated Nix and AUR packages coming soon.

Thanks again for the idea!

Thank you so much for implementing this feature!
I just tried and it works wonderfully <3
Thanks again!