
Adventures In Videoland (AKA Rollercoaster) from Creative Computing magazine, by David Lubar


Adventures In Videoland (AKA Rollercoaster) from Creative Computing magazine, by David Lubar. For the Apple II computer.

First appeared in Creative Computing v8n1 (January 1982.) See https://archive.org/stream/creativecomputing-1982-01/Creative_Computing_v08_n01_1982_January#page/n61/mode/1up/

It was later republished in the book Big Computer Games (Creative Computing Press, 1984) See https://www.atariarchives.org/bigcomputergames/ or https://archive.org/stream/Big_Computer_Games#page/n109/mode/2up

ROLLERCOASTER-ORIGINAL is the code typed from the book. Tested but probably contains typos and defintiely contains a few bugs. This version can be used with an Omniscan videodisc interface by Aurora Systems along with a Pioneer VP-1000 laserdisc player, using the DiscoVision version of the Rollercoaster movie.

ROLLERCOASTER-2018 includes updates by Kay Savetz. Modified to work with a Pioneer LD-V2200 or compatable laserdisc player. Fixed bugs, added a title screen, but true to the original.

ROLLERCOASTER-DVD. Modified to work with a Pioneer DVD-V8000 DVD player. Made a few small changes that pleased me.

VIDEODISC_ADVENTURE_-_DISK_1__SIDE_A.woz and related files. Learned months later that Creative Computing also published the adventure on disk, including cool intro screens not present in the type-in magazine version. May contain other differenes, too, who knows! Thanks to the National Videogame Museum for the disk images!

-Kay Savetz https://twitter.com/kaysavetz