A Signature Validation and Mandate Verification System by using Siamese Networks and One-Shot Learning.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

AutoSIGN - Proof of Concept

A Signature Validation and Mandate Verification System by using Siamese Networks and One-Shot Learning. Head out to for our demo. :)



The code is written in Python 2. We recommend using the Anaconda python distribution, and create a new environment using:

conda create -n AutoSIGN -y python=2
source activate AutoSIGN

The following libraries are required

  • Scipy version 0.18
  • Pillow version 3.0.0
  • OpenCV
  • Theano
  • Lasagne
  • Tensorflow
  • Flask
  • libgtk2.0-dev
  • libsm6
  • libxext6
  • flask_user
  • flask_sqlalchemy
  • datetime

They can be installed by running the following commands:

conda install -y opencv "scipy=0.18.0" "pillow=3.0.0"
conda install -y jupyter notebook matplotlib # Optional, to run the example in jupyter notebook
pip install "Theano==0.9"
pip install https://github.com/Lasagne/Lasagne/archive/master.zip
pip install opencv-python
pip install flask
pip install flask_migrate
pip install datetime
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y libsm6 libxext6

This code was tested in Ubuntu 16.04 and . Please open an Issue if you get into any problems.

Downloading the models

Simply run the following code:

git clone https://github.com/Not-Boring/AutoSIGN.git
cd AutoSIGN/models
wget "https://storage.googleapis.com/luizgh-datasepython ts/models/signet_models.zip"
unzip signet_models.zip

Source File(s)



  • numpy
  • scipy
  • tensorflow
  • flask
  • flask_user
  • flask_sqlalchemy
  • PIL
  • flask_migrate
  • datetime


  • compare_signatures : Accepts paths to two images, computes the similarity between them

API Routes

  • /: Landing page view. This is also the Test page.
  • /verify: Signature verification endpoint accepts POST requests with payloads signature_image and signature_gt_image, they being either jpeg or png images. Then it passes those images through the system and the results are stored in a new Test User. User statistics are also updated here.
  • /dashboard: All the tests performed by the user is shown here. This also has error reporting system for the tests.
  • /reports: All the Error reports are listed in this page with every information of the test they refer to.
  • /flag_report: This saves an error report to the Database in a Error class.

Database Models

  • User: Model to Store User Information
  • Test: Model to Store Test Reports
  • Error: Model to store Error Reports



  • tensorflow
  • numpy
  • cPickle


  • _init_ : Initializes the CNN.
  • get_feature_vector : Sends an image through one forward pass of the CNN and outputs the Feature Vector required to compare signatures.



  • tensorflow
  • Tensorflow-slim


  • build_architecture : Builds the CNN architecture to be used and loads the baseline pre-trained weights using the following 3 base functions.
  • conv_bn : Implements Convolutional Layers.
  • dense_bn : Implements Fully-Connected Layers.
  • batch_norm : Implements Batch Normalization to be used in the above functions.


This File compares some results with the ones obtained by the us,to ensure consistency in all the dependencies used throughout the project.



  • cv2
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • tesseract


  • preprocess_signature: Uses the following three functions to pre-process the signature images into the fixed input size of the CNN. This does all the centering, noise-removal and everything else that is necessary for the Model to successfully learn from/process the signatures.

  • Crop_center,resize_image and normalize_image:



  • numpy


There are three classes and corresponding initialization functions to change the model from Lasagne to Tensorflow, as Lasagne uses the format BCHW, while tensorflow uses BHWC, and also there is some difference between the Convolution Filters as they are flipped with respect to each other.

These functions implements those changes to load the pre-trained model we use as our baseline.


Html Files

  • base.html
  • head.html
  • drawer.html
  • nav_header.html
  • index.html
  • dashboard.html
  • result.html
  • flags.html

Database : autosign.db

A sqlite3 database to store data according to our models.


The project uses pipenv for dependency management, install it. Then launch a shell with pipenv shell.

To run locally, type in python -B main.py.


Run tf_example.py. This script pre-process a signature, and compares the feature vector obtained by the model to the results obtained previously.

Visit https://auto-sign.herokuapp.com !


Deploy using the provided Dockerfile!


  • Sayan Goswami
  • Ayan Sinha Mahaptra

Presentation Links