
Storing standards

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Curious about the decision to store standards as code as opposed to loading it from files such as JSON or YAML. Not that I think it is wrong but would be interested in the justification. I imagine loading from files (especially YAML) would be less performant.


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In the case where standards are stored as code, a potential feature could be to add various export methods to the classes (e.g. to_json to_yaml) to allow for exporting the information in some desired format, as a lot of the value of this project is in the data collected/stored.

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jvani commented

Yea noted. We could potentially put out data artifacts as releases, which others could use. I just wanted to use enums to avoid situations where someone uses "ISIC3" and other places "ISIC3.0" or similar in JSON or YAML.

Yeah might be a feature to consider. I think the setup is great as is, this was more a curiosity.