
fix: invalid codes in concordances

nyoungstudios opened this issue · 1 comments


Briefly describe the issue you are experiencing or the feature you want to see added.

  • there are codes in theses concordances that are not valid as described in their respective standard
    • NAICS2017_to_ISIC4
    • TSIC2552_to_ISIC3
    • KSIC10_to_ISIC4
    • SKD2002_to_SKD2008
    • SKD2008_to_SKD2002
    • CNAE2_to_ISIC4
    • NACEBEL2003_to_NACEBEL2008
  • for example, ISIC4 code "111" does not exist but is listed in the NAICS2017_to_ISIC4 concordance.


  • add a test case that tests all of the codes listed in all of the concordances against their appropriate standard to check if there are any errors
  • fix the above concordances


  • OS - macOS Monterey
  • Python version - 3.7
  • Package version - 0.1.8


If necessary, describe the problem you have been experiencing in more detail.

Code To Reproduce

If reporting a defect, please include a code sample to reproduce the defect and outline the expected behavior.

standard, code = next(iter(pyisic.ToISIC4("111110", pyisic.Standards.NAICS2017)))
print(standard, code)
# outputs
# Standards.ISIC4 111
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "/path/to/", line 110, in <module>
#     print(pyisic.ISIC4[code])
# KeyError: '111'

# should output
# Standards.ISIC4 111
# {'code': '0111', 'description': 'Growing of cereals (except rice),, leguminous crops and oil seeds', 'category': <Category.CLASS: 4>}

Here are all of the invalid codes:

    "NAICS2017 => ISIC4": {
        "ISIC4": [
        "NAICS2017": [
    "TSIC2552 => ISIC3": {
        "ISIC3": [
        "TSIC2552": [
    "KSIC10 => ISIC4": {
        "KSIC10": [
    "SKD2002 => SKD2008": {
        "SKD2002": [
    "SKD2008 => SKD2002": {
        "SKD2002": [
    "CNAE2 => ISIC4": {
        "ISIC4": [
    "NACEBEL2003 => NACEBEL2008": {
        "NACEBEL2003": [
        "NACEBEL2008": [