Blank landing page
Opened this issue · 8 comments
@spyalert01 (I put here your issue)
Hi @sayden ,
I downloaded your script. and npm run update-schema, then npm run start.
I goto browser, and I see blank page.
How should I run and test your script and mutation?
Here is my
=========== user schema start =========
let UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
id: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true,
index: true,
default: mongoose.Types.ObjectId
name: String,
surname: String,
UserSchema.set('toJSON', {getters: true});
let ModUser = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);
exports.UserSchema = ModUser;
exports.getModUserById = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ModUser.findOne().exec((err, res) => {
//err ? reject(err) : resolve(res);
================ user schme stop ===========
and here is my schema.js
==== partial schema.js start -======
import ModUser from './modules/ModUser.js';
var appUserType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'AppUser',
description: 'A person who uses our app',
fields: () => ({
id: globalIdField('AppUser'),
name: {
type: GraphQLString,
description: 'The name of User',
surname: {
type: GraphQLString,
description: 'The surname of User',
interfaces: [nodeInterface],
var queryType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Query',
fields: () => ({
node: nodeField,
// Add your own root fields here
appsales: {
type: appSalesType,
resolve: () => getAppSales(),
appuser: {
type: appUserType,
resolve: () => {
console.log('aaaa', ModUser.getModUserById);
==== partial schema.js stop -======
when the script executed it goes to var queryType ---> appuser
In the browser grapqhql post (inspect element i see result NULL)
in the CLI
if I console.log('aaa', ModUser.getModUserById)
it shows
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ModUser.findOne().exec((err, res) => {
//err ? reject(err) : resolve(res);
If I use console.log('aaa', ModUser.getModUserById)
I get the following in CLI
aaaa { 'Symbol(record)_3.aa68p23em81714i':
{ p: [Circular],
c: [],
a: undefined,
s: 0,
d: false,
v: undefined,
h: false,
n: false } }
What could have been wrong in my script?
Hi @spyalert01 Unfortunately I'm out of the country and I have very limited access and time until one week so I cannot directly test your code.
For me, it could be few things:
- In the QueryType of Moduser you should provide the function to execute and returns the promise so this:
var queryType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Query',
fields: () => ({
node: nodeField,
// Add your own root fields here
appsales: {
type: appSalesType,
resolve: () => getAppSales(),
appuser: {
type: appUserType,
// You are not executing the function getModUserById
resolve: () => {
console.log('aaaa', ModUser.getModUserById);
Should be more like this:
var queryType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Query',
fields: () => ({
node: nodeField,
// Add your own root fields here
appsales: {
type: appSalesType,
resolve: () => getAppSales(),
appuser: {
type: appUserType,
//HERE give the function directly
resolve: ModUser.getModUserById,
Also in UserType declaration you are using globalIdField
that I didn't use so it could be causing some side-effect problem
Hi @sayden,
Thanks. It is working now. the globalIDField is fine.
just need to give the function directly.
But I don't understand why it cannot be resolve: () => ModUser.getModUserById? and I thought of doing a console there to see if the result really return or not.
What is the best way to test the script if not console.log? Any suggestion?
This () => ModUser.getModUserById?
will never work as you are not executing the function but just providing it to this scope. However this...
appuser: {
type: appUserType,
// You are not executing the function getModUserById
resolve: () => {
console.log('aaaa', ModUser.getModUserById);
return ModUser.getModUserById();
...should work as you are executing the function a returning its result (a promise). Notice the ()
at the end of getUserById()
this time
Thanks a lot for your comment.
I tried the server.js with the webpack configuration inside (for development purpose) I notice the loading is very slow.
And I also tried taking webapck configuration, and use webpack.config.js to compile the client side, and use the remain clean server side to run as server.
Both environment the loading is also slow as compare to when I was doing with Flux+Alt+Store+Actions. Do you have experience about this? and how can I make it running as fast ?
I need to use the connectionFromArray to return the value that returning ModUser.getModUserById()
In the resolve, I do this:
resolve: () => {
(async function(){
return connectionFromArray(await ModUser.getModUserById(), args);
But the Result doesn't return.
If I console.log(connectionFromArray(await ModUser.getModUserById(), args))
before the return, in the CLI I already see the result that I am expecting.
What could be wrong?
I cannot test your code exactly but GraphQL need a Promise that will give it the result, but not the result itself. I think that if you try this it could be fixed:
resolve: () => {
return Promise.resolve(connectionFromArray(await ModUser.getModUserById(), args));
Will give it a try. Thanks.
@spyalert01 I am also getting empty screen for this project. If you don't mind can you share your working code. my mail id is "". Thanks in advance.