
An ANR (Application Not Respond) or Freeze Detector for iOS. Using `select()`

Primary LanguageObjective-C


#####An ANR (Application Not Respond) or Freeze Dector for iOS

link plcrashreporter


It is useful for you to locate the program problem when your Application does not respond or freezing. Too much threads may result in spending a lot time to print the proccess StackTrace. we will optimize this in future


Download steps

git clone https://github.com/wuyunfeng/iOS-Frezzing-ANR-Detector.git git submodule update --init --recursive

Design Principle

How use?

You can install BMANRDector in your AppDelegate or some UIViewController

        BMANRDector *tool = [BMANRDector sharedInstance];
       [tool installTraceMode:BMANRStackTraceLive tolerance:6 searchMode:BMANRSearchModeANR];