
Web Crawler Engine

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a Scrapy spider named BrightEdgeSpider that performs advanced natural language processing on web pages.


BrightEdgeSpider is a powerful web scraper that doesn't just extract text, but also cleans, tokenizes, and lemmatizes it. It uses Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) and Scikit-Learn for natural language processing, removing stopwords, lemmatizing words, and performing topic modeling using Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF).

This spider is capable of handling multiple URLs at a time and returning detailed analysis for each page, including the most relevant topics based on the page's content.

To Install

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

To Add URL's

vim urls.txt

To Run

cd brightedge
scrapy crawl brightedge -o output.json 

To View Results

black -l 80 output.json
cat output.json

To Run via Docker

docker build -t brightedge .
docker run -v "$(pwd)/brightedge/urls.txt:/app/brightedge/urls.txt" -v "$(pwd)/brightedge/output.json:/app/brightedge/output.json" brightedge

To Test

pytest brightedge/spiders/tests

To View Implementation

Please see the Implementation Document

To View Enhancement Design

For more details about the design and enhancement of this spider, please see the Design Documentation