
Alfred Search Notes Worflow Error

petemaunder91 opened this issue · 9 comments

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Type 'n' into Alfred search bar


  • macOS version: BigSure 11.4
  • CPU: Intel or Apple (M1)? Intel
  • Alfred version: 4.3.4
  • Workflow version: 3.3.0
  • In System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy, there are checkmarks for Accessibility > Alfred 4, Full Disk Access > Alfred 4, Automation > Alfred 4 > Notes, and Automation > Alfred 4 > System Events?
    Yes, except don't have the option to turn on "Automation > Alfred 4 > System Events"

Additional context
After typing "n" into Alfred I get the below error. It had been working perfectly up until about a week or so ago.


What shows up in the error log and debug log?

I'm also having this problem, even after reinstalling the workflow and following the required setup instructions. Sometimes I get the option to allow the binary in the Security and Privacy preference pane, and sometimes I don't. Even when I get the option and allow it, I still get this error every time I start an Alfred query with "n".

Big Sur 11.4. Mac mini M1 2020.
I do love this workflow. Thank you for all of your contributions!

Here are some related issues: #31 (comment) and #39 (comment).

You can also try this beta version (will still say version number 3.3.0): Search

#39 (comment) solved it for me. It seems Alfred lost disk access or didn't get it, and I didn't realize it. Thank you.

@petemaunder91 what kind of accounts are you using to store your notes (iCloud/on my mac/email)?

You could try moving this directory to the trash: /Users/pete/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow

First I would suggest upgrading to version 3.4.0 that was just released, as the error messages are a little more helpful.

If the error is still happening, can you verify that this file exists: /Users/pete/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.D9CB1BE6-EF07-4698-A2E1-A17A9CEA329E/search_notes/search_notes

and if it is, you could try these commands in your terminal:

cd "/Users/pete/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.D9CB1BE6-EF07-4698-A2E1-A17A9CEA329E/search_notes"

./search_notes title something