
An application that allows the user to easily convert frames to very-high-quality GIFs on OS X.

MIT LicenseMIT

Convert Frames to GIF on OS X

An application that allows the user to easily convert frames to very-high-quality GIFs on OS X.

The tool is used with a folder containing procedually-generated frames, named in lexigraphical order. The primary intent is for use with statistical visualizations.

The Convert Frames to GIF App Custom tool also lets you specify maximum width, frame rate, and # of colors for the output GIF, which is good for managing file size as well as usability.


Note: Installation may have issues depending on system config, particularly step #2. If you run into issues, let me know.

  1. Open up Terminal and install Homebrew by running this command and following the instructions:

     ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  2. Install the two GIF-making applications using this Homebrew command:

     brew install ImageMagick gifsicle
  3. Download the App from the repository, unzip and run it, selecting the folder containing the frames when prompted.

Known Issues

  • No sanity check for input validation yet. (e.g. don't increase the frame rate beyond 60fps or bad things happen)
  • No tests.
