
TS Error: параметр features отсутсвует у фабрики createAssistantDev

vak1n opened this issue · 0 comments

vak1n commented

TypeScript ругается на параметр features, который отсутсвует у фабрики createAssistantDev, но этот параметр на самом деле есть

TypeScript error in:
Argument of type '{ getState: () => {}; url: string; userChannel: string; surface: string; initPhrase: string; nativePanel: { defaultText: string; }; features: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ getState: () => AssistantAppState; getRecoveryState?: (() => Record<string, unknown> | undefined) | undefined; } & Pick<InitializeAssistantSDKParams, "userId" | ... 11 more ... | "recordParams">'.
  Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'features' does not exist in type '{ getState: () => AssistantAppState; getRecoveryState?: (() => Record<string, unknown> | undefined) | undefined; } & Pick<InitializeAssistantSDKParams, "userId" | ... 11 more ... | "recordParams">'.  TS2345

    24 |                 defaultText,
    25 |             },
  > 26 |             features: '',
       |             ^
    27 |         });
    28 |     } else {
    29 |         assistant = createAssistant({ getState });