sbl/scvim gives error: Primitive '_FileWrite' failed

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi there-

I'm trying to get started using SC with scvim. I've symlinked and when I start the OS X SuperCollider app (not vim) the text below is in the Post window.

I'm really hoping to get this all working, thanks for getting this project up again.


compiling class library...
  NumPrimitives = 686
  compiling dir: '/Applications/SuperCollider/'
  compiling dir: '/Users/my_user/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/Extensions'
Open ended symbol ... started on line 200 in file '/Users/my_user/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/Extensions/'
  pass 1 done
  numentries = 785070 / 10938366 = 0.072
  5013 method selectors, 2182 classes
  method table size 11805432 bytes, big table size 87506928
  Number of Symbols 11409
  Byte Code Size 358784
  compiled 327 files in 0.66 seconds
compile done
Help tree read from cache in 0.002198593 seconds
Class tree inited in 0.02 seconds
ERROR: Primitive '_FileWrite' failed.
Instance of File {    (0x11268d248, gc=80, fmt=00, flg=00, set=02)
  instance variables [1]
    fileptr : nil
  MethodError:reportError   0x11261b1d8
    arg this = <instance of PrimitiveFailedError>
  Nil:handleError   0x10ad321d8
    arg this = nil
    arg error = <instance of PrimitiveFailedError>
  Thread:handleError   0x1125d8098
    arg this = <instance of Thread>
    arg error = <instance of PrimitiveFailedError>
  Object:throw   0x112554ff8
    arg this = <instance of PrimitiveFailedError>
  Object:primitiveFailed   0x1125d46d8
    arg this = <instance of File>
  < closed FunctionDef >   0x1127100d8
    var classList = [*2181]
    var file = <instance of File>
    var hugeString = "syn keyword scObject PlusFre..."
  Function:doOnStartUp   0x112710658
    arg this = <instance of Function>
  ArrayedCollection:do   0x10ad8ce58
    arg this = [*8]
    arg function = <instance of Function>
    var i = 7
  List:do   0x10ad8cf78
    arg this = <instance of List>
    arg function = <instance of Function>
  Meta_StartUp:run   0x10ad8d448
    arg this = <instance of Meta_StartUp>
  Main:startup   0x10ad14508
    arg this = <instance of Main>
    var didWarnOverwrite = false
^^ The preceding error dump is for ERROR: Primitive '_FileWrite' failed.
SCDoc: Indexing help-files...
SCDoc: Indexing old helpfiles...
Help files scanned in 0.046980196 seconds
SCDoc: Indexed 1307 documents in 0.92 seconds
sbl commented

Hi dibson,
my guess is that you did not install scvim in the location: ~/.vim/bundle/supercollider naming is unfortunately necessary for the plugin to work.
I added a commit c9cb961 to clarify this issue and not throw an error with a faulty installation.

Indeed - I accidentally installed to "suppercollider". Thanks.