
Title support

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"The only issue I'm having is that Quip is using the first h tag it finds as the title of the document, instead of using the title of the obsidian note itself.

I may have to add title support as a setting, since different people have different workflows. My current thought is something along the lines of (using markdown formatting for UX prototyping):

Quip Document title:

  • Use Obsidian note name as the Quip document title. This option will add a top-level H1 to the start of your documents to contain this title.
  • Let Quip guess document titles. Quip seems to choose the first header in a document as document title.

Note that Quip does not expose any API to update a title of an existing document, so renaming a note or changing it’s headers will NOT change the document title in Quip after using the Update existing Quip document command.