AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'to_standard_basis' when trying to plot orbits from a loaded posterior from hdf5 file
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When loading a posterior saved via the results.save_results(savefile) method, using:
from orbitize import results
loaded_results = results.Results() # Create blank results object for loading
and then attempting to plot an orbit using loaded_results.plot_orbits(), I get the following error/traceback
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
1 # epochs = outtable['epoch']
----> 2 orb_fig = loaded_results.plot_orbits(
3 object_to_plot = 1, # Plot orbits for the first (and only, in this case) companion
4 num_orbits_to_plot= 500, # Will plot 100 randomly selected orbits of this companion
5 start_mjd=Time(2011., format='decimalyear').mjd, # Minimum MJD for colorbar (here we choose first data epoch)
~/orbitize/orbitize/ in plot_orbits(self, object_to_plot, start_mjd, num_orbits_to_plot, num_epochs_to_plot, square_plot, show_colorbar, cmap, sep_pa_color, sep_pa_end_year, cbar_param, mod180, rv_time_series, plot_astrometry, plot_astrometry_insts, plot_astrometry_insts_leg, fig, astr_colors, astr_symbols, no_cbar)
544 orb_ind = choose[i]
545 param_set = np.copy([orb_ind])
--> 546 standard_post.append(self.basis.to_standard_basis(param_set))
547 else: # For OFTI, posteriors are already converted
548 for i in np.arange(num_orbits_to_plot):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'to_standard_basis'
The hdf5 file was generated on version '2.0b1' on a linux machine, whatever is on pip currently is what I installed. I'm attempting to read the posterior and plot it on a mac.
Is there a quick fix for something like this?
Hey William, thanks for the bug report! I wasn't able to reproduce this error on my machine-- can you verify two things to help me figure it out?
- Run the quick start tutorial using v2.0b1, save that result, then try to load it in your current installation. Does that work?
- Is your current installation up to date (i.e. v2.0), or are you still using v2.0b1?
It looks like I wasn't up-to-date, ugh, sorry about that. now that I updated, I can't reproduce this particular bug either. I'm getting something new, but I'll open a separate issue for that since it appears unrelated.
No worries at all, thanks for posting anyway! It's really good to have a searchable index of solutions for problems like this! :)