
Wide Area SHell: a cloud-native shell for bringing remote infrastructure to your terminal.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

wash (Wide Area SHell)

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wash helps you deal with all your remote or cloud-native infrastructure using the UNIX-y patterns and tools you already know and love!

For an introduction to Wash, see our main site at https://pup.pt/wash.


Community Feedback

We're actively soliciting community feedback and input on our roadmap! Don't hesitate to file issues for new features, new plugin types, new primitives, new command-line tools, or anything else that crosses your mind. You can also chat with us directly on #wash on Slack. Please abide by our code of conduct when interacting with the community.

See the roadmap below to see what we've got planned!

We'd also love to get contributions from you! For a quick guide, take a look at our guide to contributing.

Developing Wash

See https://pup.pt/wash/#getting-started for pre-requisites to run Wash.

Wash is a single binary application written in Go. It uses Go modules to identify dependencies.

To build it, run go build. To test, run go test ./....

Requires golang 1.12+.

Acceptance tests are in the test directory. First build with go build, then run them using BATS with PATH=.:$PATH bats test.

See the core plugin docs if you're interested in core plugin development.


Project maintainers are not actively working on all of these things, but any of these are directions we would support others in pursuing.


  • file/directory upload (prereq for executing commands that aren't just one-liners)
  • edit a resource (e.g. edit a file representing a k8s ConfigMap, and upon write save it via the k8s api)
  • delete a resource (e.g. rm-ing a file in an S3 bucket deletes it)
  • signal handling to represent basic verbs (e.g. sending a TERM to an EC2 instance will terminate it)
  • copy / move / rename (how should this work?)
  • make stream able to "go back in time" (e.g. support tail -100 -f style of "look-back")

Daemon enhancements

  • rad startup ASCII art logo (<- high priority!)
  • expose plugin configuration via main config file
  • expose what API calls are in-flight (to report status on large, distributed calls)

CLI tools

  • colorized output for ls, similar to exa -l
  • make ls emit something useful when used against non-wash resources
  • exec should work in parallel across multiple target resources
  • build an interactive shell that works over exec (need to update plugins API to support this, most likely)
  • a version of top that works using wash primitives to get information to display from multiple targets

Plugins / content

list read stream exec meta
Container logs
Swarm nodes
Swarm config
Persistent Volume Claims
generic k8s resources
S3 buckets
S3 directories
S3 objects
pubsub (e.g. SNS)
databases (e.g. dynamo, RDS)
networking (e.g. ELB, Route53)
SSH/WinRM targets
Network Devices (e.g. Cisco)
IoT (e.g. Nest, Hue, Rachio)
wash itself (expose internals)

✓ = Implemented ○ = Possible, but not yet implemented