
Publish focal based images

jrduncans opened this issue · 4 comments

eclipse-temurin publishes both focal and jammy images for the Ubuntu releases they are based upon.

This creates problems for some uses:

Following what docker-gradle project is doing, it would be very helpful for docker-sbt to publish focal based images.

Do we not have enough with specific jammy images only?

jammy is incompatible with Docker host versions commonly in use, at least in my environment (details in that linked Wiki page). I don't know how long that will be true, but at the moment not having a focal image is getting in the way of me being able to use docker-sbt images.

@jrduncans can you check if the new images are working for your use case?

Yes, I was able to run a build successfully with eclipse-temurin-focal-17.0.5_8_1.8.2_2.13.10!