
Tag inconsistencies

myob-geoff-speirs opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi, I had a really weird issue where the docker tags listed in Docker Hub seem wrong. The latest tag listed is 8u212_2.13.0_1.2.8 but when I curl the repository curl -L -s ''|jq '."results"[]["name"]' the latest is listed as 8u212_1.2.8_2.13.0.

When I use the tag 8u212_1.2.8_2.13.0 I can pull, but if I use latest or 8u212_2.13.0_1.2.8 it fails.

Hi, I'm having the same issue since yesterday.
When I try to pull the image without any specific tag I get:
Error response from daemon: manifest for hseeberger/scala-sbt:latest not found

Same here - neither latest nor our desired version (11.0.2_2.12.8_1.2.8) can be found

Yeah, same here

Thanks for this image though! For now we'll just use a specific version.

There's no more latest – what should that mean with a three dimensional (Java version, Scala version, sbt version) build matrix? Accidentally the version scheme has changed, please use the Docker tags:

@hseeberger please fix the documentation, because it mentions that one will download image without tag (effectively = :latest) and he (she) will get error message as the issue starter.

@gecube please PR.