
The publish key should not automatically trigger upon plugin import.

JustinPihony opened this issue · 2 comments

The problem here is that when you do something like addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-bintray-bundle" % "1.0.2"), then run sbt, you end up with warnings about a missing bintray credentials file, and cannot even run projects. The bintray credential should not be required unless you actually call publish.

Please refer to this activator template issue for the end issue, which is triggered from including the sbt-bintray-bundle plugin. It was determined that the root issue is most likely due to these lines being triggered by publishTo in bintray <<= publishToBintray

Any workaround on this issue?

Disabling the plugin doesn't seem working . It still complains the creds file is missing.

(project in file(".")).disablePlugins(BintrayPlugin)
2m commented

More discussion about possible improvements in #130