
Turn into an autoplugin

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I've actually started working on that and created the issue to start a discussion. While adapting the plugin, I realised that unidoc actually provides two different sets of settings:

  • scalaUnidocSettings
  • scalaJavaUnidocSettings

My first instinct, but I'd like to confirm that it's alright, is to provide two auto plugins, one per set of settings:

  • UnidocPlugin
  • UnidocJavaPlugin

Is that the right course? actually lists more:

  • add unidocSettings to root (how to unify Scaladoc)
  • add genjavadocSettings to children, javaUnidocSettings to root (how to unify javadoc)
  • add genjavadocExtraSettings to children (how to publish genjavadoc instead of scaladoc)
  • add genjavadocSettings or genjavadocExtraSettings to children, scalaJavaUnidocSettings to root (how to unify both Scaladoc and Javadoc)

I guess it makes sense to turn them into individual auto plugins.

Ah, that's going to be quite a bit more involved than I expected :)