
Silence webjars logging during compilation

joprice opened this issue · 5 comments

I see tons of debug logging coming from org.webjars.WebJarExtractor. I would think putting a logback.xml in project/src/main/resrouces would let me control it, but that doesn't seem to work.

21:39:16.422 [pool-14018-thread-3] DEBUG org.webjars.WebJarExtractor - Checking whether META-INF/resources/webjars/jquery/2.1.4/src/var/hasOwn.js is up to date at...

+1 - This is obfuscating behavior of sbt-web and I don't see a way to defeat it.

huntc commented

I think that this is an issue for WebJars. I'm not seeing it though. Is it still a problem for you?

At this point, I'm not sure which project I found it in. I'll have to poke around and get back to you.

I recently resolved this problem in a project by straightening out all the SLF4J warnings and logback configuration. In my case I had a file named "logging.xml" that should have been "logback.xml". As soon as I renamed the file, those messages went away (and many others too). The problem, I think, is that in the absence of any log levels being defined or SLF4J having a resolved logger, the webjar library defaults to debug level and you get the verbosity .. or something like that (I didn't look into the details once it was fixed). Just thought this anecdote might help track it down.

I think this could be related to SLF4J not resolving the correct logger but for me it only happens at compile time and is only with this specific package org.webjars.WebJarExtractor. I've added everything correctly to my logback.xml but it doesn't look like sbt-web respects my logabck.xml or possibly that it's not loaded yet?

I attached a debugger to this and dug pretty deep. The interesting thing is that it only happens with test:compile it doesn't happen with compile.