
Overriding stack size (-Xss) fails except via SBT_OPTS

sloshy opened this issue · 5 comments


sbt version: 1.3.2


Overriding the stack size via .jvmopts, or the -J flag fails. Stack size is set to the default 4M value even when overridden.


Overriding the stack size by itself should work no matter the method.


Using SBT_OPTS works correctly. I've traced this down to the launcher script for sbt and have identified a workaround for the time being. If you specify a memory option (-Xm*) then the portion of code in the launcher script that sets the stack size will not be called.

A couple ideas on how this could be fixed:

  1. Add a rule that selectively overrides -Xss if the argument is present when launching sbt
  2. Apply java arguments after the defaults so that the defaults are only selectively overridden (this is the behavior for SBT_OPTS currently when changing the stack size)

To reproduce: open any SBT project and set the stack size via -J or .jvm/sbtopts. Run sbt -d to see the order of JVM args as they are applied. Note that the stack size parameter is applied before the defaults which override it. Now set it via SBT_OPTS and see that your option is specified after the default argument, overriding it.

er1c commented

I'll admit I was a bit confused on how this behavior should work, when I was doing the windows sbt.bat port.

All of the memory arguments probably need a better set of tests to help explicitly document how the memory overrides should interact with each other ( - and those tests themselves probably need to be discussed if they are actually desireable, since it's not obvious to me what should be overridden when.

The comment here is especially confusing with how the overrides should work (or as it's written, the default memory settings SHOULD NOT be getting applied if you have a -Xss set):

  # if we detect any of these settings in ${JAVA_OPTS} or ${JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS} we need to NOT output our settings.
  # The reason is the Xms/Xmx, if they don't line up, cause errors.

If they are, then definitely a bug.

I agree it's a bug.

We do check for heap size related settings to prevent conflict with user-provided parameters, but stack size setting -Xss is not being checked.

er1c commented

Similar/same issue -Xss4M gets added with specifying -mem and duplicates -Xss6M:

> cat .jvmopts
cat .jvmopts

❯ sbt -d -mem 5632 'testOnly foo'
[addSbt] arg = '-debug'
[addMemory] arg = '5632'
[addJava] arg = '-Xms5632m'
[addJava] arg = '-Xmx5632m'
[addJava] arg = '-Xss4M'
[addJava] arg = '-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m'
[sbt_options] declare -a sbt_options=()
[process_args] java_version = '8'
# Executing command line: