
The `schema` option is deprecated for MQTT vacuum

Closed this issue · 4 comments


  • I have updated the integration to the latest version available
  • I have checked if the problem is already reported

The problem

Receiving these warnings:

Logger: homeassistant.components.mqtt.vacuum
Source: components/mqtt/
integration: MQTT (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 19:13:50 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 19:13:50

The schema option is deprecated for MQTT vacuum, but it was used in a discovery payload. Please contact the maintainer of the integration or service that supplies the config, and suggest to remove the option. Got {'object_id': 'valetudo_roborock_upstairs', 'schema': 'state', 'supported_features': ['battery', 'status', 'start', 'stop', 'pause', 'return_home', 'fan_speed', 'locate'], 'state_topic': 'valetudo/roborock_upstairs/hass/roborock_upstairs_vacuum/state', 'command_topic': 'valetudo/roborock_upstairs/hass/roborock_upstairs_vacuum/command', 'payload_start': 'START', 'payload_pause': 'PAUSE', 'payload_return_to_base': 'HOME', 'payload_stop': 'STOP', 'payload_locate': 'LOCATE', 'fan_speed_list': ['low', 'medium', 'high', 'max', 'off'], 'set_fan_speed_topic': 'valetudo/roborock_upstairs/FanSpeedControlCapability/preset/set', 'unique_id': 'roborock_upstairs_vacuum', 'availability_topic': 'valetudo/roborock_upstairs/$state', 'payload_available': 'ready', 'payload_not_available': 'lost', 'device': {'manufacturer': 'Roborock', 'model': 'S5', 'identifiers': ['roborock_upstairs'], 'sw_version': 'Valetudo 2024.02.0', 'configuration_url': 'http://valetudo-coarsedamagedbuffalo.local', 'name': 'robovac-upstairs'}, 'name': 'Robot', 'platform': 'mqtt'} at discovery topic homeassistant/vacuum/roborock_upstairs/roborock_upstairs_vacuum/config
The schema option is deprecated for MQTT vacuum, but it was used in a discovery payload. Please contact the maintainer of the integration or service that supplies the config, and suggest to remove the option. Got {'object_id': 'valetudo_roborock_downstairs', 'schema': 'state', 'supported_features': ['battery', 'status', 'start', 'stop', 'pause', 'return_home', 'fan_speed', 'locate'], 'state_topic': 'valetudo/roborock_downstairs/hass/roborock_downstairs_vacuum/state', 'command_topic': 'valetudo/roborock_downstairs/hass/roborock_downstairs_vacuum/command', 'payload_start': 'START', 'payload_pause': 'PAUSE', 'payload_return_to_base': 'HOME', 'payload_stop': 'STOP', 'payload_locate': 'LOCATE', 'fan_speed_list': ['low', 'medium', 'high', 'max', 'off'], 'set_fan_speed_topic': 'valetudo/roborock_downstairs/FanSpeedControlCapability/preset/set', 'unique_id': 'roborock_downstairs_vacuum', 'availability_topic': 'valetudo/roborock_downstairs/$state', 'payload_available': 'ready', 'payload_not_available': 'lost', 'device': {'manufacturer': 'Roborock', 'model': 'S5', 'identifiers': ['roborock_downstairs'], 'sw_version': 'Valetudo 2024.02.0', 'configuration_url': 'http://valetudo-improbablesorelark.local', 'name': 'robovac-downstairs'}, 'name': 'Robot', 'platform': 'mqtt'} at discovery topic homeassistant/vacuum/roborock_downstairs/roborock_downstairs_vacuum/config

What version of an integration has described problem?


What was the last working version of an integration?

No response

What vacuum model do you have problems with?

Roborock S5

Please firmware installed on your Vacuum.


What type of platform you use?

Intel NUC (or generic x86_64)

What version of Home Assistant do you use?


What type of installation are you running?

Home Assistant OS

Logs or Errors shown in the HA snapshots (please enable the Debug Mode) text will be auto formatted to code.

No response

Function, that in your opinion is creating the issue.


Additional information

No response

@tomlut This is components/mqtt/ Home Assistant related, not from the camera.
There is Valetudo firmware update to solve this issue => check the vacuums update page.

Apologies. It was right there in front of me too:

Logger: homeassistant.components.mqtt.vacuum

Apologies. It was right there in front of me too:

Logger: homeassistant.components.mqtt.vacuum

Absolutely no problem, we humans ;) thanks again for the help.

Thanks for the tip about the firmware version. Updating now.