
Sweep: write unit tests

markehammons opened this issue · 12 comments

Sweep: write unit tests

Hey @markehammons,

Just wanted to let you know that I've started working on this issue. The plan is to create a new test file for the ReadWriteModule and add some unit tests there. I'll also be updating the with some info about the importance of unit tests. If necessary, I might do a bit of refactoring in the ReadWriteModule to make it more testable.

Give me a minute!

Some code snippets I looked at (click to expand). If some file is missing from here, you can mention the path in the ticket description.

trait L derives FSet:
def test_fn(i: CInt): CInt
test("Absolute file loading works"):
if os == OS.Linux then
if !Files.exists(Paths.get("/tmp/")) then
Files.copy(Paths.get("libs/"), Paths.get("/tmp/"))
trait L derives FSet:
def test_fn(i: CInt): CInt

derives Struct
test("CUnionDescriptor.size gives the right size"):
DescriptorOf[CUnion[(CInt, A, CFloat)]].size,
test("CUnionDescriptor.alignment gives the right alignment"):
DescriptorOf[CUnion[(CInt, A, CFloat)]].alignment,
test("ByteDescriptor is 1 byte in size"):
assertEquals(ByteDescriptor.size, Bytes(1))
test("ShortDescriptor is 2 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(ShortDescriptor.size, Bytes(2))
test("IntDescriptor is 4 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(IntDescriptor.size, Bytes(4))
test("LongDescriptor is 8 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(LongDescriptor.size, Bytes(8))
test("FloatDescriptor is 4 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(FloatDescriptor.size, Bytes(4))
test("DoubleDescriptor is 8 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(DoubleDescriptor.size, Bytes(8))
test("StructDescriptor.alignment is the max of the member elements"):
assertEquals(DescriptorOf[A].alignment, Bytes(8))
test("StructDescriptor.size is a multiple of alignment"):
assertEquals(DescriptorOf[A].size % DescriptorOf[A].alignment, Bytes(0))
DescriptorOf[A].size >= (DescriptorOf[CInt].size * 3 + DescriptorOf[
].size * 2)
test("SetSizeArrayDescriptor is size of inner type * num"):
DescriptorOf[SetSizeArray[CInt, 15]].size,
DescriptorOf[CInt].size * 15
test("SetSizeArrayDescriptor is alignment of inner type"):
DescriptorOf[SetSizeArray[CInt, 15]].alignment,

### Editor
When developing Slinc, it's suggested to use [VSCode]( along with the [Metals]( extension. Slinc is heavily dependent on compile-time programming, and VSCode+Metals works very well with this development model. One can use other editors, but it's probably mandatory to use Metals.
Using metals, one can import the build definition from mill. If one encounters an issue with the import failing for no discernable reason, try deleting the `out` directory and trying again. There is a problem with this project and mill failing to generate bloop configurations. If one encounters errors when viewing a code base that do not resolve themselves, it's suggested to try closing VSCode, killing all Java processes, and deleting .metals, .bloop, and out. Generally, this will fix all issues.
When developing for Slinc, choose an implementation to focus on, and choose the appropriate JDK for it. Switch with the appropriate `default` command on sdkman, kill all java processes, and afterwards open the project with VSCode. The corresponding `j` project should be having no missing definition errors after this process. Switching between JDK versions follows the same process.
## Compiling
The following commands compile the Slinc projecs:
* core: `./mill core.compile`
* j17: `./mill j17.compile`
* j19: `./mill j19.compile`
* runtime: `./mill runtime.compile`
Compiling the entire project would normally be done by running `./mill _.compile`, but considering the different project have different JDK requirements, the full compilation takes the form of
sdk u java && \
./mill core.compile && \
./mill core.test.compile && \
./mill j17.compile && \
sdk u java 19-tem && \
./mill j19.compile && \
#optional sdk u java &&
./mill runtime.compile
Only j17 and j19 have a hard dependency on specific JDK major versions. Core and runtime can be compiled with either java 17 or 19 as you wish.
## Testing
Tests exist for all portions of the project. They can be executed by running `./mill <project-name>.test`. Examples are:
* `./mill j17.test`
* `./mill j19.test`
* `./mill core.test`
* `./mill runtime.test`
Please note that testing runtime involves doing the delicate compilation dance listed above.
Testing code is generally stored in the `core` project under `core/test/src`. Java 17, Java 19, and runtime specific tests may exist in the future, but at the moment, all implementations use a generic testing base.
Tests in Slinc use munit and scalacheck. One can read how to use munit with scalacheck [here]( and how to use scalacheck [here](
In order to develop a new test suite for Slinc, add the implementation to `core/test/src`. If the test suite is testing an implementation in `core` then one can define it in the normal way specified by the munit documentation. However, if it's meant to be a test of Slinc implementations, it should be defined in a generic fashion like so:
package fr.hammons.slinc
import munit.ScalaCheckSuite
trait MyTestSuite(slinc: Slinc) extends ScalaCheckSuite:
import slinc.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
After defining this in core, add the test to `j17/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` and `j19/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` with the following code:
package fr.hammons.slinc
class MyTestSuite17 extends MyTestSuite(Slinc17.default)
If one's test suite concerns JIT compilation, one can use `noJit` and `immediate` implementations to make one's test suites test the unjitted and jitted versions of the runtime.
### Troubleshooting tests
Sometimes when running a freshly written test, or testing freshly written code, one might encounter a situation where the test suite will stop testing early, or never stop running.
Generally, the test suite will stop running early when some part of the Slinc runtime fails to initialize properly. One can easily detect if this is the case by moving some test code out of the test section into the root of the suite.
Observe the following example:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
test("myTest") {
should be rewritten to
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
This tends to force the test suite to actually reveal the exception that's breaking it, and will help one fix the issue in question.
When a test suite continues forever, the cause is usually the same, but with regards to a propertyBased test:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
property("myProperty") {
(i: Int) =>
val ptr = Ptr.blank[CInt]
!ptr = i
assertEquals(!ptr, i)
should be changed to

val memWriter: Writer[Mem]
def unionReader(td: TypeDescriptor): Reader[CUnion[? <: NonEmptyTuple]]
def unionWriter(td: TypeDescriptor): Writer[CUnion[? <: NonEmptyTuple]]
def write(
memory: Mem,
offset: Bytes,
typeDescriptor: TypeDescriptor,
value: typeDescriptor.Inner
): Unit
def writeArray[A](memory: Mem, offset: Bytes, value: Array[A])(using
): Unit
def read(
memory: Mem,
offset: Bytes,
typeDescriptor: TypeDescriptor
): typeDescriptor.Inner
def readArray[A](memory: Mem, offset: Bytes, size: Int)(using
): Array[A]
def readFn[A](
mem: Mem,
descriptor: CFunctionDescriptor,
fn: => MethodHandle => Mem => A


Lines 33 to 156 in 8e2ad0c

### Editor
When developing Slinc, it's suggested to use [VSCode]( along with the [Metals]( extension. Slinc is heavily dependent on compile-time programming, and VSCode+Metals works very well with this development model. One can use other editors, but it's probably mandatory to use Metals.
Using metals, one can import the build definition from mill. If one encounters an issue with the import failing for no discernable reason, try deleting the `out` directory and trying again. There is a problem with this project and mill failing to generate bloop configurations. If one encounters errors when viewing a code base that do not resolve themselves, it's suggested to try closing VSCode, killing all Java processes, and deleting .metals, .bloop, and out. Generally, this will fix all issues.
When developing for Slinc, choose an implementation to focus on, and choose the appropriate JDK for it. Switch with the appropriate `default` command on sdkman, kill all java processes, and afterwards open the project with VSCode. The corresponding `j` project should be having no missing definition errors after this process. Switching between JDK versions follows the same process.
## Compiling
The following commands compile the Slinc projecs:
* core: `./mill core.compile`
* j17: `./mill j17.compile`
* j19: `./mill j19.compile`
* runtime: `./mill runtime.compile`
Compiling the entire project would normally be done by running `./mill _.compile`, but considering the different project have different JDK requirements, the full compilation takes the form of
sdk u java && \
./mill core.compile && \
./mill core.test.compile && \
./mill j17.compile && \
sdk u java 19-tem && \
./mill j19.compile && \
#optional sdk u java &&
./mill runtime.compile
Only j17 and j19 have a hard dependency on specific JDK major versions. Core and runtime can be compiled with either java 17 or 19 as you wish.
## Testing
Tests exist for all portions of the project. They can be executed by running `./mill <project-name>.test`. Examples are:
* `./mill j17.test`
* `./mill j19.test`
* `./mill core.test`
* `./mill runtime.test`
Please note that testing runtime involves doing the delicate compilation dance listed above.
Testing code is generally stored in the `core` project under `core/test/src`. Java 17, Java 19, and runtime specific tests may exist in the future, but at the moment, all implementations use a generic testing base.
Tests in Slinc use munit and scalacheck. One can read how to use munit with scalacheck [here]( and how to use scalacheck [here](
In order to develop a new test suite for Slinc, add the implementation to `core/test/src`. If the test suite is testing an implementation in `core` then one can define it in the normal way specified by the munit documentation. However, if it's meant to be a test of Slinc implementations, it should be defined in a generic fashion like so:
package fr.hammons.slinc
import munit.ScalaCheckSuite
trait MyTestSuite(slinc: Slinc) extends ScalaCheckSuite:
import slinc.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
After defining this in core, add the test to `j17/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` and `j19/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` with the following code:
package fr.hammons.slinc
class MyTestSuite17 extends MyTestSuite(Slinc17.default)
If one's test suite concerns JIT compilation, one can use `noJit` and `immediate` implementations to make one's test suites test the unjitted and jitted versions of the runtime.
### Troubleshooting tests
Sometimes when running a freshly written test, or testing freshly written code, one might encounter a situation where the test suite will stop testing early, or never stop running.
Generally, the test suite will stop running early when some part of the Slinc runtime fails to initialize properly. One can easily detect if this is the case by moving some test code out of the test section into the root of the suite.
Observe the following example:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
test("myTest") {
should be rewritten to
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
This tends to force the test suite to actually reveal the exception that's breaking it, and will help one fix the issue in question.
When a test suite continues forever, the cause is usually the same, but with regards to a propertyBased test:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
property("myProperty") {
(i: Int) =>
val ptr = Ptr.blank[CInt]
!ptr = i
assertEquals(!ptr, i)
should be changed to

I'm a bot that handles simple bugs and feature requests but I might make mistakes. Please be kind!

I'm sorry, but it looks like an error has occured. Try removing and re-adding the sweep label. I'll try again in a minute. If this error persists contact

I'm a bot that handles simple bugs and feature requests but I might make mistakes. Please be kind!

Hey @markehammons,

I've started working on this issue. The plan is to write unit tests for the ReadWriteModule.scala file. I'll be creating a new test file ReadWriteModuleSpec.scala in the core/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc/modules/ directory for this purpose.

Give me a minute!

Some code snippets I looked at (click to expand). If some file is missing from here, you can mention the path in the ticket description.

trait L derives FSet:
def test_fn(i: CInt): CInt
test("Absolute file loading works"):
if os == OS.Linux then
if !Files.exists(Paths.get("/tmp/")) then
Files.copy(Paths.get("libs/"), Paths.get("/tmp/"))
trait L derives FSet:
def test_fn(i: CInt): CInt

derives Struct
test("CUnionDescriptor.size gives the right size"):
DescriptorOf[CUnion[(CInt, A, CFloat)]].size,
test("CUnionDescriptor.alignment gives the right alignment"):
DescriptorOf[CUnion[(CInt, A, CFloat)]].alignment,
test("ByteDescriptor is 1 byte in size"):
assertEquals(ByteDescriptor.size, Bytes(1))
test("ShortDescriptor is 2 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(ShortDescriptor.size, Bytes(2))
test("IntDescriptor is 4 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(IntDescriptor.size, Bytes(4))
test("LongDescriptor is 8 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(LongDescriptor.size, Bytes(8))
test("FloatDescriptor is 4 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(FloatDescriptor.size, Bytes(4))
test("DoubleDescriptor is 8 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(DoubleDescriptor.size, Bytes(8))
test("StructDescriptor.alignment is the max of the member elements"):
assertEquals(DescriptorOf[A].alignment, Bytes(8))
test("StructDescriptor.size is a multiple of alignment"):
assertEquals(DescriptorOf[A].size % DescriptorOf[A].alignment, Bytes(0))
DescriptorOf[A].size >= (DescriptorOf[CInt].size * 3 + DescriptorOf[
].size * 2)
test("SetSizeArrayDescriptor is size of inner type * num"):
DescriptorOf[SetSizeArray[CInt, 15]].size,
DescriptorOf[CInt].size * 15
test("SetSizeArrayDescriptor is alignment of inner type"):
DescriptorOf[SetSizeArray[CInt, 15]].alignment,


Lines 33 to 156 in 8e2ad0c

### Editor
When developing Slinc, it's suggested to use [VSCode]( along with the [Metals]( extension. Slinc is heavily dependent on compile-time programming, and VSCode+Metals works very well with this development model. One can use other editors, but it's probably mandatory to use Metals.
Using metals, one can import the build definition from mill. If one encounters an issue with the import failing for no discernable reason, try deleting the `out` directory and trying again. There is a problem with this project and mill failing to generate bloop configurations. If one encounters errors when viewing a code base that do not resolve themselves, it's suggested to try closing VSCode, killing all Java processes, and deleting .metals, .bloop, and out. Generally, this will fix all issues.
When developing for Slinc, choose an implementation to focus on, and choose the appropriate JDK for it. Switch with the appropriate `default` command on sdkman, kill all java processes, and afterwards open the project with VSCode. The corresponding `j` project should be having no missing definition errors after this process. Switching between JDK versions follows the same process.
## Compiling
The following commands compile the Slinc projecs:
* core: `./mill core.compile`
* j17: `./mill j17.compile`
* j19: `./mill j19.compile`
* runtime: `./mill runtime.compile`
Compiling the entire project would normally be done by running `./mill _.compile`, but considering the different project have different JDK requirements, the full compilation takes the form of
sdk u java && \
./mill core.compile && \
./mill core.test.compile && \
./mill j17.compile && \
sdk u java 19-tem && \
./mill j19.compile && \
#optional sdk u java &&
./mill runtime.compile
Only j17 and j19 have a hard dependency on specific JDK major versions. Core and runtime can be compiled with either java 17 or 19 as you wish.
## Testing
Tests exist for all portions of the project. They can be executed by running `./mill <project-name>.test`. Examples are:
* `./mill j17.test`
* `./mill j19.test`
* `./mill core.test`
* `./mill runtime.test`
Please note that testing runtime involves doing the delicate compilation dance listed above.
Testing code is generally stored in the `core` project under `core/test/src`. Java 17, Java 19, and runtime specific tests may exist in the future, but at the moment, all implementations use a generic testing base.
Tests in Slinc use munit and scalacheck. One can read how to use munit with scalacheck [here]( and how to use scalacheck [here](
In order to develop a new test suite for Slinc, add the implementation to `core/test/src`. If the test suite is testing an implementation in `core` then one can define it in the normal way specified by the munit documentation. However, if it's meant to be a test of Slinc implementations, it should be defined in a generic fashion like so:
package fr.hammons.slinc
import munit.ScalaCheckSuite
trait MyTestSuite(slinc: Slinc) extends ScalaCheckSuite:
import slinc.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
After defining this in core, add the test to `j17/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` and `j19/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` with the following code:
package fr.hammons.slinc
class MyTestSuite17 extends MyTestSuite(Slinc17.default)
If one's test suite concerns JIT compilation, one can use `noJit` and `immediate` implementations to make one's test suites test the unjitted and jitted versions of the runtime.
### Troubleshooting tests
Sometimes when running a freshly written test, or testing freshly written code, one might encounter a situation where the test suite will stop testing early, or never stop running.
Generally, the test suite will stop running early when some part of the Slinc runtime fails to initialize properly. One can easily detect if this is the case by moving some test code out of the test section into the root of the suite.
Observe the following example:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
test("myTest") {
should be rewritten to
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
This tends to force the test suite to actually reveal the exception that's breaking it, and will help one fix the issue in question.
When a test suite continues forever, the cause is usually the same, but with regards to a propertyBased test:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
property("myProperty") {
(i: Int) =>
val ptr = Ptr.blank[CInt]
!ptr = i
assertEquals(!ptr, i)
should be changed to

val memWriter: Writer[Mem]
def unionReader(td: TypeDescriptor): Reader[CUnion[? <: NonEmptyTuple]]
def unionWriter(td: TypeDescriptor): Writer[CUnion[? <: NonEmptyTuple]]
def write(
memory: Mem,
offset: Bytes,
typeDescriptor: TypeDescriptor,
value: typeDescriptor.Inner
): Unit
def writeArray[A](memory: Mem, offset: Bytes, value: Array[A])(using
): Unit
def read(
memory: Mem,
offset: Bytes,
typeDescriptor: TypeDescriptor
): typeDescriptor.Inner
def readArray[A](memory: Mem, offset: Bytes, size: Int)(using
): Array[A]
def readFn[A](
mem: Mem,
descriptor: CFunctionDescriptor,
fn: => MethodHandle => Mem => A

### Editor
When developing Slinc, it's suggested to use [VSCode]( along with the [Metals]( extension. Slinc is heavily dependent on compile-time programming, and VSCode+Metals works very well with this development model. One can use other editors, but it's probably mandatory to use Metals.
Using metals, one can import the build definition from mill. If one encounters an issue with the import failing for no discernable reason, try deleting the `out` directory and trying again. There is a problem with this project and mill failing to generate bloop configurations. If one encounters errors when viewing a code base that do not resolve themselves, it's suggested to try closing VSCode, killing all Java processes, and deleting .metals, .bloop, and out. Generally, this will fix all issues.
When developing for Slinc, choose an implementation to focus on, and choose the appropriate JDK for it. Switch with the appropriate `default` command on sdkman, kill all java processes, and afterwards open the project with VSCode. The corresponding `j` project should be having no missing definition errors after this process. Switching between JDK versions follows the same process.
## Compiling
The following commands compile the Slinc projecs:
* core: `./mill core.compile`
* j17: `./mill j17.compile`
* j19: `./mill j19.compile`
* runtime: `./mill runtime.compile`
Compiling the entire project would normally be done by running `./mill _.compile`, but considering the different project have different JDK requirements, the full compilation takes the form of
sdk u java && \
./mill core.compile && \
./mill core.test.compile && \
./mill j17.compile && \
sdk u java 19-tem && \
./mill j19.compile && \
#optional sdk u java &&
./mill runtime.compile
Only j17 and j19 have a hard dependency on specific JDK major versions. Core and runtime can be compiled with either java 17 or 19 as you wish.
## Testing
Tests exist for all portions of the project. They can be executed by running `./mill <project-name>.test`. Examples are:
* `./mill j17.test`
* `./mill j19.test`
* `./mill core.test`
* `./mill runtime.test`
Please note that testing runtime involves doing the delicate compilation dance listed above.
Testing code is generally stored in the `core` project under `core/test/src`. Java 17, Java 19, and runtime specific tests may exist in the future, but at the moment, all implementations use a generic testing base.
Tests in Slinc use munit and scalacheck. One can read how to use munit with scalacheck [here]( and how to use scalacheck [here](
In order to develop a new test suite for Slinc, add the implementation to `core/test/src`. If the test suite is testing an implementation in `core` then one can define it in the normal way specified by the munit documentation. However, if it's meant to be a test of Slinc implementations, it should be defined in a generic fashion like so:
package fr.hammons.slinc
import munit.ScalaCheckSuite
trait MyTestSuite(slinc: Slinc) extends ScalaCheckSuite:
import slinc.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
After defining this in core, add the test to `j17/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` and `j19/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` with the following code:
package fr.hammons.slinc
class MyTestSuite17 extends MyTestSuite(Slinc17.default)
If one's test suite concerns JIT compilation, one can use `noJit` and `immediate` implementations to make one's test suites test the unjitted and jitted versions of the runtime.
### Troubleshooting tests
Sometimes when running a freshly written test, or testing freshly written code, one might encounter a situation where the test suite will stop testing early, or never stop running.
Generally, the test suite will stop running early when some part of the Slinc runtime fails to initialize properly. One can easily detect if this is the case by moving some test code out of the test section into the root of the suite.
Observe the following example:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
test("myTest") {
should be rewritten to
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
This tends to force the test suite to actually reveal the exception that's breaking it, and will help one fix the issue in question.
When a test suite continues forever, the cause is usually the same, but with regards to a propertyBased test:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
property("myProperty") {
(i: Int) =>
val ptr = Ptr.blank[CInt]
!ptr = i
assertEquals(!ptr, i)
should be changed to

I'm a bot that handles simple bugs and feature requests but I might make mistakes. Please be kind!

Hey @markehammons,

I've started working on this issue. The plan is to create a new test suite for the ReadWriteModule.scala methods. I'll be following the structure and style of tests in DescriptorSpec.scala for consistency.

Give me a minute!

Some code snippets I looked at (click to expand). If some file is missing from here, you can mention the path in the ticket description.

trait L derives FSet:
def test_fn(i: CInt): CInt
test("Absolute file loading works"):
if os == OS.Linux then
if !Files.exists(Paths.get("/tmp/")) then
Files.copy(Paths.get("libs/"), Paths.get("/tmp/"))
trait L derives FSet:
def test_fn(i: CInt): CInt

derives Struct
test("CUnionDescriptor.size gives the right size"):
DescriptorOf[CUnion[(CInt, A, CFloat)]].size,
test("CUnionDescriptor.alignment gives the right alignment"):
DescriptorOf[CUnion[(CInt, A, CFloat)]].alignment,
test("ByteDescriptor is 1 byte in size"):
assertEquals(ByteDescriptor.size, Bytes(1))
test("ShortDescriptor is 2 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(ShortDescriptor.size, Bytes(2))
test("IntDescriptor is 4 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(IntDescriptor.size, Bytes(4))
test("LongDescriptor is 8 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(LongDescriptor.size, Bytes(8))
test("FloatDescriptor is 4 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(FloatDescriptor.size, Bytes(4))
test("DoubleDescriptor is 8 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(DoubleDescriptor.size, Bytes(8))
test("StructDescriptor.alignment is the max of the member elements"):
assertEquals(DescriptorOf[A].alignment, Bytes(8))
test("StructDescriptor.size is a multiple of alignment"):
assertEquals(DescriptorOf[A].size % DescriptorOf[A].alignment, Bytes(0))
DescriptorOf[A].size >= (DescriptorOf[CInt].size * 3 + DescriptorOf[
].size * 2)
test("SetSizeArrayDescriptor is size of inner type * num"):
DescriptorOf[SetSizeArray[CInt, 15]].size,
DescriptorOf[CInt].size * 15
test("SetSizeArrayDescriptor is alignment of inner type"):
DescriptorOf[SetSizeArray[CInt, 15]].alignment,


Lines 33 to 156 in 8e2ad0c

### Editor
When developing Slinc, it's suggested to use [VSCode]( along with the [Metals]( extension. Slinc is heavily dependent on compile-time programming, and VSCode+Metals works very well with this development model. One can use other editors, but it's probably mandatory to use Metals.
Using metals, one can import the build definition from mill. If one encounters an issue with the import failing for no discernable reason, try deleting the `out` directory and trying again. There is a problem with this project and mill failing to generate bloop configurations. If one encounters errors when viewing a code base that do not resolve themselves, it's suggested to try closing VSCode, killing all Java processes, and deleting .metals, .bloop, and out. Generally, this will fix all issues.
When developing for Slinc, choose an implementation to focus on, and choose the appropriate JDK for it. Switch with the appropriate `default` command on sdkman, kill all java processes, and afterwards open the project with VSCode. The corresponding `j` project should be having no missing definition errors after this process. Switching between JDK versions follows the same process.
## Compiling
The following commands compile the Slinc projecs:
* core: `./mill core.compile`
* j17: `./mill j17.compile`
* j19: `./mill j19.compile`
* runtime: `./mill runtime.compile`
Compiling the entire project would normally be done by running `./mill _.compile`, but considering the different project have different JDK requirements, the full compilation takes the form of
sdk u java && \
./mill core.compile && \
./mill core.test.compile && \
./mill j17.compile && \
sdk u java 19-tem && \
./mill j19.compile && \
#optional sdk u java &&
./mill runtime.compile
Only j17 and j19 have a hard dependency on specific JDK major versions. Core and runtime can be compiled with either java 17 or 19 as you wish.
## Testing
Tests exist for all portions of the project. They can be executed by running `./mill <project-name>.test`. Examples are:
* `./mill j17.test`
* `./mill j19.test`
* `./mill core.test`
* `./mill runtime.test`
Please note that testing runtime involves doing the delicate compilation dance listed above.
Testing code is generally stored in the `core` project under `core/test/src`. Java 17, Java 19, and runtime specific tests may exist in the future, but at the moment, all implementations use a generic testing base.
Tests in Slinc use munit and scalacheck. One can read how to use munit with scalacheck [here]( and how to use scalacheck [here](
In order to develop a new test suite for Slinc, add the implementation to `core/test/src`. If the test suite is testing an implementation in `core` then one can define it in the normal way specified by the munit documentation. However, if it's meant to be a test of Slinc implementations, it should be defined in a generic fashion like so:
package fr.hammons.slinc
import munit.ScalaCheckSuite
trait MyTestSuite(slinc: Slinc) extends ScalaCheckSuite:
import slinc.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
After defining this in core, add the test to `j17/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` and `j19/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` with the following code:
package fr.hammons.slinc
class MyTestSuite17 extends MyTestSuite(Slinc17.default)
If one's test suite concerns JIT compilation, one can use `noJit` and `immediate` implementations to make one's test suites test the unjitted and jitted versions of the runtime.
### Troubleshooting tests
Sometimes when running a freshly written test, or testing freshly written code, one might encounter a situation where the test suite will stop testing early, or never stop running.
Generally, the test suite will stop running early when some part of the Slinc runtime fails to initialize properly. One can easily detect if this is the case by moving some test code out of the test section into the root of the suite.
Observe the following example:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
test("myTest") {
should be rewritten to
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
This tends to force the test suite to actually reveal the exception that's breaking it, and will help one fix the issue in question.
When a test suite continues forever, the cause is usually the same, but with regards to a propertyBased test:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
property("myProperty") {
(i: Int) =>
val ptr = Ptr.blank[CInt]
!ptr = i
assertEquals(!ptr, i)
should be changed to

val memWriter: Writer[Mem]
def unionReader(td: TypeDescriptor): Reader[CUnion[? <: NonEmptyTuple]]
def unionWriter(td: TypeDescriptor): Writer[CUnion[? <: NonEmptyTuple]]
def write(
memory: Mem,
offset: Bytes,
typeDescriptor: TypeDescriptor,
value: typeDescriptor.Inner
): Unit
def writeArray[A](memory: Mem, offset: Bytes, value: Array[A])(using
): Unit
def read(
memory: Mem,
offset: Bytes,
typeDescriptor: TypeDescriptor
): typeDescriptor.Inner
def readArray[A](memory: Mem, offset: Bytes, size: Int)(using
): Array[A]
def readFn[A](
mem: Mem,
descriptor: CFunctionDescriptor,
fn: => MethodHandle => Mem => A

### Editor
When developing Slinc, it's suggested to use [VSCode]( along with the [Metals]( extension. Slinc is heavily dependent on compile-time programming, and VSCode+Metals works very well with this development model. One can use other editors, but it's probably mandatory to use Metals.
Using metals, one can import the build definition from mill. If one encounters an issue with the import failing for no discernable reason, try deleting the `out` directory and trying again. There is a problem with this project and mill failing to generate bloop configurations. If one encounters errors when viewing a code base that do not resolve themselves, it's suggested to try closing VSCode, killing all Java processes, and deleting .metals, .bloop, and out. Generally, this will fix all issues.
When developing for Slinc, choose an implementation to focus on, and choose the appropriate JDK for it. Switch with the appropriate `default` command on sdkman, kill all java processes, and afterwards open the project with VSCode. The corresponding `j` project should be having no missing definition errors after this process. Switching between JDK versions follows the same process.
## Compiling
The following commands compile the Slinc projecs:
* core: `./mill core.compile`
* j17: `./mill j17.compile`
* j19: `./mill j19.compile`
* runtime: `./mill runtime.compile`
Compiling the entire project would normally be done by running `./mill _.compile`, but considering the different project have different JDK requirements, the full compilation takes the form of
sdk u java && \
./mill core.compile && \
./mill core.test.compile && \
./mill j17.compile && \
sdk u java 19-tem && \
./mill j19.compile && \
#optional sdk u java &&
./mill runtime.compile
Only j17 and j19 have a hard dependency on specific JDK major versions. Core and runtime can be compiled with either java 17 or 19 as you wish.
## Testing
Tests exist for all portions of the project. They can be executed by running `./mill <project-name>.test`. Examples are:
* `./mill j17.test`
* `./mill j19.test`
* `./mill core.test`
* `./mill runtime.test`
Please note that testing runtime involves doing the delicate compilation dance listed above.
Testing code is generally stored in the `core` project under `core/test/src`. Java 17, Java 19, and runtime specific tests may exist in the future, but at the moment, all implementations use a generic testing base.
Tests in Slinc use munit and scalacheck. One can read how to use munit with scalacheck [here]( and how to use scalacheck [here](
In order to develop a new test suite for Slinc, add the implementation to `core/test/src`. If the test suite is testing an implementation in `core` then one can define it in the normal way specified by the munit documentation. However, if it's meant to be a test of Slinc implementations, it should be defined in a generic fashion like so:
package fr.hammons.slinc
import munit.ScalaCheckSuite
trait MyTestSuite(slinc: Slinc) extends ScalaCheckSuite:
import slinc.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
After defining this in core, add the test to `j17/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` and `j19/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` with the following code:
package fr.hammons.slinc
class MyTestSuite17 extends MyTestSuite(Slinc17.default)
If one's test suite concerns JIT compilation, one can use `noJit` and `immediate` implementations to make one's test suites test the unjitted and jitted versions of the runtime.
### Troubleshooting tests
Sometimes when running a freshly written test, or testing freshly written code, one might encounter a situation where the test suite will stop testing early, or never stop running.
Generally, the test suite will stop running early when some part of the Slinc runtime fails to initialize properly. One can easily detect if this is the case by moving some test code out of the test section into the root of the suite.
Observe the following example:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
test("myTest") {
should be rewritten to
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
This tends to force the test suite to actually reveal the exception that's breaking it, and will help one fix the issue in question.
When a test suite continues forever, the cause is usually the same, but with regards to a propertyBased test:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
property("myProperty") {
(i: Int) =>
val ptr = Ptr.blank[CInt]
!ptr = i
assertEquals(!ptr, i)
should be changed to

I'm a bot that handles simple bugs and feature requests but I might make mistakes. Please be kind!

I'm sorry, but it looks like an error has occured. Try removing and re-adding the sweep label. I'll try again in a minute. If this error persists contact

I'm a bot that handles simple bugs and feature requests but I might make mistakes. Please be kind!

I'm sorry, but it looks like an error has occured. Try removing and re-adding the sweep label. I'll try again in a minute. If this error persists contact

I'm a bot that handles simple bugs and feature requests but I might make mistakes. Please be kind!

Hey @markehammons,

Just wanted to let you know that I've started working on this issue. The plan is to create a new test file ReadWriteModuleSpec.scala in the core/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc/modules/ directory. This file will contain unit tests for the methods in ReadWriteModule.scala. I'll be using the existing test files like DescriptorSpec.scala and FSetRuntimeSpec.scala as a reference for writing these tests.

Give me a minute!

Some code snippets I looked at (click to expand). If some file is missing from here, you can mention the path in the ticket description.

trait L derives FSet:
def test_fn(i: CInt): CInt
test("Absolute file loading works"):
if os == OS.Linux then
if !Files.exists(Paths.get("/tmp/")) then
Files.copy(Paths.get("libs/"), Paths.get("/tmp/"))
trait L derives FSet:
def test_fn(i: CInt): CInt

derives Struct
test("CUnionDescriptor.size gives the right size"):
DescriptorOf[CUnion[(CInt, A, CFloat)]].size,
test("CUnionDescriptor.alignment gives the right alignment"):
DescriptorOf[CUnion[(CInt, A, CFloat)]].alignment,
test("ByteDescriptor is 1 byte in size"):
assertEquals(ByteDescriptor.size, Bytes(1))
test("ShortDescriptor is 2 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(ShortDescriptor.size, Bytes(2))
test("IntDescriptor is 4 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(IntDescriptor.size, Bytes(4))
test("LongDescriptor is 8 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(LongDescriptor.size, Bytes(8))
test("FloatDescriptor is 4 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(FloatDescriptor.size, Bytes(4))
test("DoubleDescriptor is 8 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(DoubleDescriptor.size, Bytes(8))
test("StructDescriptor.alignment is the max of the member elements"):
assertEquals(DescriptorOf[A].alignment, Bytes(8))
test("StructDescriptor.size is a multiple of alignment"):
assertEquals(DescriptorOf[A].size % DescriptorOf[A].alignment, Bytes(0))
DescriptorOf[A].size >= (DescriptorOf[CInt].size * 3 + DescriptorOf[
].size * 2)
test("SetSizeArrayDescriptor is size of inner type * num"):
DescriptorOf[SetSizeArray[CInt, 15]].size,
DescriptorOf[CInt].size * 15
test("SetSizeArrayDescriptor is alignment of inner type"):
DescriptorOf[SetSizeArray[CInt, 15]].alignment,


Lines 33 to 156 in 8e2ad0c

### Editor
When developing Slinc, it's suggested to use [VSCode]( along with the [Metals]( extension. Slinc is heavily dependent on compile-time programming, and VSCode+Metals works very well with this development model. One can use other editors, but it's probably mandatory to use Metals.
Using metals, one can import the build definition from mill. If one encounters an issue with the import failing for no discernable reason, try deleting the `out` directory and trying again. There is a problem with this project and mill failing to generate bloop configurations. If one encounters errors when viewing a code base that do not resolve themselves, it's suggested to try closing VSCode, killing all Java processes, and deleting .metals, .bloop, and out. Generally, this will fix all issues.
When developing for Slinc, choose an implementation to focus on, and choose the appropriate JDK for it. Switch with the appropriate `default` command on sdkman, kill all java processes, and afterwards open the project with VSCode. The corresponding `j` project should be having no missing definition errors after this process. Switching between JDK versions follows the same process.
## Compiling
The following commands compile the Slinc projecs:
* core: `./mill core.compile`
* j17: `./mill j17.compile`
* j19: `./mill j19.compile`
* runtime: `./mill runtime.compile`
Compiling the entire project would normally be done by running `./mill _.compile`, but considering the different project have different JDK requirements, the full compilation takes the form of
sdk u java && \
./mill core.compile && \
./mill core.test.compile && \
./mill j17.compile && \
sdk u java 19-tem && \
./mill j19.compile && \
#optional sdk u java &&
./mill runtime.compile
Only j17 and j19 have a hard dependency on specific JDK major versions. Core and runtime can be compiled with either java 17 or 19 as you wish.
## Testing
Tests exist for all portions of the project. They can be executed by running `./mill <project-name>.test`. Examples are:
* `./mill j17.test`
* `./mill j19.test`
* `./mill core.test`
* `./mill runtime.test`
Please note that testing runtime involves doing the delicate compilation dance listed above.
Testing code is generally stored in the `core` project under `core/test/src`. Java 17, Java 19, and runtime specific tests may exist in the future, but at the moment, all implementations use a generic testing base.
Tests in Slinc use munit and scalacheck. One can read how to use munit with scalacheck [here]( and how to use scalacheck [here](
In order to develop a new test suite for Slinc, add the implementation to `core/test/src`. If the test suite is testing an implementation in `core` then one can define it in the normal way specified by the munit documentation. However, if it's meant to be a test of Slinc implementations, it should be defined in a generic fashion like so:
package fr.hammons.slinc
import munit.ScalaCheckSuite
trait MyTestSuite(slinc: Slinc) extends ScalaCheckSuite:
import slinc.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
After defining this in core, add the test to `j17/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` and `j19/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` with the following code:
package fr.hammons.slinc
class MyTestSuite17 extends MyTestSuite(Slinc17.default)
If one's test suite concerns JIT compilation, one can use `noJit` and `immediate` implementations to make one's test suites test the unjitted and jitted versions of the runtime.
### Troubleshooting tests
Sometimes when running a freshly written test, or testing freshly written code, one might encounter a situation where the test suite will stop testing early, or never stop running.
Generally, the test suite will stop running early when some part of the Slinc runtime fails to initialize properly. One can easily detect if this is the case by moving some test code out of the test section into the root of the suite.
Observe the following example:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
test("myTest") {
should be rewritten to
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
This tends to force the test suite to actually reveal the exception that's breaking it, and will help one fix the issue in question.
When a test suite continues forever, the cause is usually the same, but with regards to a propertyBased test:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
property("myProperty") {
(i: Int) =>
val ptr = Ptr.blank[CInt]
!ptr = i
assertEquals(!ptr, i)
should be changed to

val memWriter: Writer[Mem]
def unionReader(td: TypeDescriptor): Reader[CUnion[? <: NonEmptyTuple]]
def unionWriter(td: TypeDescriptor): Writer[CUnion[? <: NonEmptyTuple]]
def write(
memory: Mem,
offset: Bytes,
typeDescriptor: TypeDescriptor,
value: typeDescriptor.Inner
): Unit
def writeArray[A](memory: Mem, offset: Bytes, value: Array[A])(using
): Unit
def read(
memory: Mem,
offset: Bytes,
typeDescriptor: TypeDescriptor
): typeDescriptor.Inner
def readArray[A](memory: Mem, offset: Bytes, size: Int)(using
): Array[A]
def readFn[A](
mem: Mem,
descriptor: CFunctionDescriptor,
fn: => MethodHandle => Mem => A

### Editor
When developing Slinc, it's suggested to use [VSCode]( along with the [Metals]( extension. Slinc is heavily dependent on compile-time programming, and VSCode+Metals works very well with this development model. One can use other editors, but it's probably mandatory to use Metals.
Using metals, one can import the build definition from mill. If one encounters an issue with the import failing for no discernable reason, try deleting the `out` directory and trying again. There is a problem with this project and mill failing to generate bloop configurations. If one encounters errors when viewing a code base that do not resolve themselves, it's suggested to try closing VSCode, killing all Java processes, and deleting .metals, .bloop, and out. Generally, this will fix all issues.
When developing for Slinc, choose an implementation to focus on, and choose the appropriate JDK for it. Switch with the appropriate `default` command on sdkman, kill all java processes, and afterwards open the project with VSCode. The corresponding `j` project should be having no missing definition errors after this process. Switching between JDK versions follows the same process.
## Compiling
The following commands compile the Slinc projecs:
* core: `./mill core.compile`
* j17: `./mill j17.compile`
* j19: `./mill j19.compile`
* runtime: `./mill runtime.compile`
Compiling the entire project would normally be done by running `./mill _.compile`, but considering the different project have different JDK requirements, the full compilation takes the form of
sdk u java && \
./mill core.compile && \
./mill core.test.compile && \
./mill j17.compile && \
sdk u java 19-tem && \
./mill j19.compile && \
#optional sdk u java &&
./mill runtime.compile
Only j17 and j19 have a hard dependency on specific JDK major versions. Core and runtime can be compiled with either java 17 or 19 as you wish.
## Testing
Tests exist for all portions of the project. They can be executed by running `./mill <project-name>.test`. Examples are:
* `./mill j17.test`
* `./mill j19.test`
* `./mill core.test`
* `./mill runtime.test`
Please note that testing runtime involves doing the delicate compilation dance listed above.
Testing code is generally stored in the `core` project under `core/test/src`. Java 17, Java 19, and runtime specific tests may exist in the future, but at the moment, all implementations use a generic testing base.
Tests in Slinc use munit and scalacheck. One can read how to use munit with scalacheck [here]( and how to use scalacheck [here](
In order to develop a new test suite for Slinc, add the implementation to `core/test/src`. If the test suite is testing an implementation in `core` then one can define it in the normal way specified by the munit documentation. However, if it's meant to be a test of Slinc implementations, it should be defined in a generic fashion like so:
package fr.hammons.slinc
import munit.ScalaCheckSuite
trait MyTestSuite(slinc: Slinc) extends ScalaCheckSuite:
import slinc.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
After defining this in core, add the test to `j17/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` and `j19/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` with the following code:
package fr.hammons.slinc
class MyTestSuite17 extends MyTestSuite(Slinc17.default)
If one's test suite concerns JIT compilation, one can use `noJit` and `immediate` implementations to make one's test suites test the unjitted and jitted versions of the runtime.
### Troubleshooting tests
Sometimes when running a freshly written test, or testing freshly written code, one might encounter a situation where the test suite will stop testing early, or never stop running.
Generally, the test suite will stop running early when some part of the Slinc runtime fails to initialize properly. One can easily detect if this is the case by moving some test code out of the test section into the root of the suite.
Observe the following example:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
test("myTest") {
should be rewritten to
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
This tends to force the test suite to actually reveal the exception that's breaking it, and will help one fix the issue in question.
When a test suite continues forever, the cause is usually the same, but with regards to a propertyBased test:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
property("myProperty") {
(i: Int) =>
val ptr = Ptr.blank[CInt]
!ptr = i
assertEquals(!ptr, i)
should be changed to

I'm a bot that handles simple bugs and feature requests but I might make mistakes. Please be kind!

Hey @markehammons,

I've started working on this issue. The plan is to create a new test suite for the ReadWriteModule.scala file. This will help ensure that the methods for reading and writing data are working as expected. I'll be following the testing pattern used in other test suites in the project.

Give me a minute!

Some code snippets I looked at (click to expand). If some file is missing from here, you can mention the path in the ticket description.

trait L derives FSet:
def test_fn(i: CInt): CInt
test("Absolute file loading works"):
if os == OS.Linux then
if !Files.exists(Paths.get("/tmp/")) then
Files.copy(Paths.get("libs/"), Paths.get("/tmp/"))
trait L derives FSet:
def test_fn(i: CInt): CInt

derives Struct
test("CUnionDescriptor.size gives the right size"):
DescriptorOf[CUnion[(CInt, A, CFloat)]].size,
test("CUnionDescriptor.alignment gives the right alignment"):
DescriptorOf[CUnion[(CInt, A, CFloat)]].alignment,
test("ByteDescriptor is 1 byte in size"):
assertEquals(ByteDescriptor.size, Bytes(1))
test("ShortDescriptor is 2 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(ShortDescriptor.size, Bytes(2))
test("IntDescriptor is 4 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(IntDescriptor.size, Bytes(4))
test("LongDescriptor is 8 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(LongDescriptor.size, Bytes(8))
test("FloatDescriptor is 4 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(FloatDescriptor.size, Bytes(4))
test("DoubleDescriptor is 8 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(DoubleDescriptor.size, Bytes(8))
test("StructDescriptor.alignment is the max of the member elements"):
assertEquals(DescriptorOf[A].alignment, Bytes(8))
test("StructDescriptor.size is a multiple of alignment"):
assertEquals(DescriptorOf[A].size % DescriptorOf[A].alignment, Bytes(0))
DescriptorOf[A].size >= (DescriptorOf[CInt].size * 3 + DescriptorOf[
].size * 2)
test("SetSizeArrayDescriptor is size of inner type * num"):
DescriptorOf[SetSizeArray[CInt, 15]].size,
DescriptorOf[CInt].size * 15
test("SetSizeArrayDescriptor is alignment of inner type"):
DescriptorOf[SetSizeArray[CInt, 15]].alignment,


Lines 33 to 156 in 8e2ad0c

### Editor
When developing Slinc, it's suggested to use [VSCode]( along with the [Metals]( extension. Slinc is heavily dependent on compile-time programming, and VSCode+Metals works very well with this development model. One can use other editors, but it's probably mandatory to use Metals.
Using metals, one can import the build definition from mill. If one encounters an issue with the import failing for no discernable reason, try deleting the `out` directory and trying again. There is a problem with this project and mill failing to generate bloop configurations. If one encounters errors when viewing a code base that do not resolve themselves, it's suggested to try closing VSCode, killing all Java processes, and deleting .metals, .bloop, and out. Generally, this will fix all issues.
When developing for Slinc, choose an implementation to focus on, and choose the appropriate JDK for it. Switch with the appropriate `default` command on sdkman, kill all java processes, and afterwards open the project with VSCode. The corresponding `j` project should be having no missing definition errors after this process. Switching between JDK versions follows the same process.
## Compiling
The following commands compile the Slinc projecs:
* core: `./mill core.compile`
* j17: `./mill j17.compile`
* j19: `./mill j19.compile`
* runtime: `./mill runtime.compile`
Compiling the entire project would normally be done by running `./mill _.compile`, but considering the different project have different JDK requirements, the full compilation takes the form of
sdk u java && \
./mill core.compile && \
./mill core.test.compile && \
./mill j17.compile && \
sdk u java 19-tem && \
./mill j19.compile && \
#optional sdk u java &&
./mill runtime.compile
Only j17 and j19 have a hard dependency on specific JDK major versions. Core and runtime can be compiled with either java 17 or 19 as you wish.
## Testing
Tests exist for all portions of the project. They can be executed by running `./mill <project-name>.test`. Examples are:
* `./mill j17.test`
* `./mill j19.test`
* `./mill core.test`
* `./mill runtime.test`
Please note that testing runtime involves doing the delicate compilation dance listed above.
Testing code is generally stored in the `core` project under `core/test/src`. Java 17, Java 19, and runtime specific tests may exist in the future, but at the moment, all implementations use a generic testing base.
Tests in Slinc use munit and scalacheck. One can read how to use munit with scalacheck [here]( and how to use scalacheck [here](
In order to develop a new test suite for Slinc, add the implementation to `core/test/src`. If the test suite is testing an implementation in `core` then one can define it in the normal way specified by the munit documentation. However, if it's meant to be a test of Slinc implementations, it should be defined in a generic fashion like so:
package fr.hammons.slinc
import munit.ScalaCheckSuite
trait MyTestSuite(slinc: Slinc) extends ScalaCheckSuite:
import slinc.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
After defining this in core, add the test to `j17/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` and `j19/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` with the following code:
package fr.hammons.slinc
class MyTestSuite17 extends MyTestSuite(Slinc17.default)
If one's test suite concerns JIT compilation, one can use `noJit` and `immediate` implementations to make one's test suites test the unjitted and jitted versions of the runtime.
### Troubleshooting tests
Sometimes when running a freshly written test, or testing freshly written code, one might encounter a situation where the test suite will stop testing early, or never stop running.
Generally, the test suite will stop running early when some part of the Slinc runtime fails to initialize properly. One can easily detect if this is the case by moving some test code out of the test section into the root of the suite.
Observe the following example:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
test("myTest") {
should be rewritten to
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
This tends to force the test suite to actually reveal the exception that's breaking it, and will help one fix the issue in question.
When a test suite continues forever, the cause is usually the same, but with regards to a propertyBased test:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
property("myProperty") {
(i: Int) =>
val ptr = Ptr.blank[CInt]
!ptr = i
assertEquals(!ptr, i)
should be changed to

val memWriter: Writer[Mem]
def unionReader(td: TypeDescriptor): Reader[CUnion[? <: NonEmptyTuple]]
def unionWriter(td: TypeDescriptor): Writer[CUnion[? <: NonEmptyTuple]]
def write(
memory: Mem,
offset: Bytes,
typeDescriptor: TypeDescriptor,
value: typeDescriptor.Inner
): Unit
def writeArray[A](memory: Mem, offset: Bytes, value: Array[A])(using
): Unit
def read(
memory: Mem,
offset: Bytes,
typeDescriptor: TypeDescriptor
): typeDescriptor.Inner
def readArray[A](memory: Mem, offset: Bytes, size: Int)(using
): Array[A]
def readFn[A](
mem: Mem,
descriptor: CFunctionDescriptor,
fn: => MethodHandle => Mem => A

### Editor
When developing Slinc, it's suggested to use [VSCode]( along with the [Metals]( extension. Slinc is heavily dependent on compile-time programming, and VSCode+Metals works very well with this development model. One can use other editors, but it's probably mandatory to use Metals.
Using metals, one can import the build definition from mill. If one encounters an issue with the import failing for no discernable reason, try deleting the `out` directory and trying again. There is a problem with this project and mill failing to generate bloop configurations. If one encounters errors when viewing a code base that do not resolve themselves, it's suggested to try closing VSCode, killing all Java processes, and deleting .metals, .bloop, and out. Generally, this will fix all issues.
When developing for Slinc, choose an implementation to focus on, and choose the appropriate JDK for it. Switch with the appropriate `default` command on sdkman, kill all java processes, and afterwards open the project with VSCode. The corresponding `j` project should be having no missing definition errors after this process. Switching between JDK versions follows the same process.
## Compiling
The following commands compile the Slinc projecs:
* core: `./mill core.compile`
* j17: `./mill j17.compile`
* j19: `./mill j19.compile`
* runtime: `./mill runtime.compile`
Compiling the entire project would normally be done by running `./mill _.compile`, but considering the different project have different JDK requirements, the full compilation takes the form of
sdk u java && \
./mill core.compile && \
./mill core.test.compile && \
./mill j17.compile && \
sdk u java 19-tem && \
./mill j19.compile && \
#optional sdk u java &&
./mill runtime.compile
Only j17 and j19 have a hard dependency on specific JDK major versions. Core and runtime can be compiled with either java 17 or 19 as you wish.
## Testing
Tests exist for all portions of the project. They can be executed by running `./mill <project-name>.test`. Examples are:
* `./mill j17.test`
* `./mill j19.test`
* `./mill core.test`
* `./mill runtime.test`
Please note that testing runtime involves doing the delicate compilation dance listed above.
Testing code is generally stored in the `core` project under `core/test/src`. Java 17, Java 19, and runtime specific tests may exist in the future, but at the moment, all implementations use a generic testing base.
Tests in Slinc use munit and scalacheck. One can read how to use munit with scalacheck [here]( and how to use scalacheck [here](
In order to develop a new test suite for Slinc, add the implementation to `core/test/src`. If the test suite is testing an implementation in `core` then one can define it in the normal way specified by the munit documentation. However, if it's meant to be a test of Slinc implementations, it should be defined in a generic fashion like so:
package fr.hammons.slinc
import munit.ScalaCheckSuite
trait MyTestSuite(slinc: Slinc) extends ScalaCheckSuite:
import slinc.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
After defining this in core, add the test to `j17/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` and `j19/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` with the following code:
package fr.hammons.slinc
class MyTestSuite17 extends MyTestSuite(Slinc17.default)
If one's test suite concerns JIT compilation, one can use `noJit` and `immediate` implementations to make one's test suites test the unjitted and jitted versions of the runtime.
### Troubleshooting tests
Sometimes when running a freshly written test, or testing freshly written code, one might encounter a situation where the test suite will stop testing early, or never stop running.
Generally, the test suite will stop running early when some part of the Slinc runtime fails to initialize properly. One can easily detect if this is the case by moving some test code out of the test section into the root of the suite.
Observe the following example:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
test("myTest") {
should be rewritten to
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
This tends to force the test suite to actually reveal the exception that's breaking it, and will help one fix the issue in question.
When a test suite continues forever, the cause is usually the same, but with regards to a propertyBased test:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
property("myProperty") {
(i: Int) =>
val ptr = Ptr.blank[CInt]
!ptr = i
assertEquals(!ptr, i)
should be changed to

I'm a bot that handles simple bugs and feature requests but I might make mistakes. Please be kind!

I'm sorry, but it looks like an error has occured. Try removing and re-adding the sweep label. I'll try again in a minute. If this error persists contact

I'm a bot that handles simple bugs and feature requests but I might make mistakes. Please be kind!

I'm sorry, but it looks like an error has occured. Try removing and re-adding the sweep label. I'll try again in a minute. If this error persists contact

I'm a bot that handles simple bugs and feature requests but I might make mistakes. Please be kind!

Hey @markehammons,

I've started working on this issue. The plan is to create a new test file for the ReadWriteModule and enhance the existing tests for the Descriptor and FSetRuntime modules. I'll ensure that all functionalities are properly tested.

Give me a minute!

Some code snippets I looked at (click to expand). If some file is missing from here, you can mention the path in the ticket description.

trait L derives FSet:
def test_fn(i: CInt): CInt
test("Absolute file loading works"):
if os == OS.Linux then
if !Files.exists(Paths.get("/tmp/")) then
Files.copy(Paths.get("libs/"), Paths.get("/tmp/"))
trait L derives FSet:
def test_fn(i: CInt): CInt

derives Struct
test("CUnionDescriptor.size gives the right size"):
DescriptorOf[CUnion[(CInt, A, CFloat)]].size,
test("CUnionDescriptor.alignment gives the right alignment"):
DescriptorOf[CUnion[(CInt, A, CFloat)]].alignment,
test("ByteDescriptor is 1 byte in size"):
assertEquals(ByteDescriptor.size, Bytes(1))
test("ShortDescriptor is 2 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(ShortDescriptor.size, Bytes(2))
test("IntDescriptor is 4 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(IntDescriptor.size, Bytes(4))
test("LongDescriptor is 8 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(LongDescriptor.size, Bytes(8))
test("FloatDescriptor is 4 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(FloatDescriptor.size, Bytes(4))
test("DoubleDescriptor is 8 bytes in size"):
assertEquals(DoubleDescriptor.size, Bytes(8))
test("StructDescriptor.alignment is the max of the member elements"):
assertEquals(DescriptorOf[A].alignment, Bytes(8))
test("StructDescriptor.size is a multiple of alignment"):
assertEquals(DescriptorOf[A].size % DescriptorOf[A].alignment, Bytes(0))
DescriptorOf[A].size >= (DescriptorOf[CInt].size * 3 + DescriptorOf[
].size * 2)
test("SetSizeArrayDescriptor is size of inner type * num"):
DescriptorOf[SetSizeArray[CInt, 15]].size,
DescriptorOf[CInt].size * 15
test("SetSizeArrayDescriptor is alignment of inner type"):
DescriptorOf[SetSizeArray[CInt, 15]].alignment,


Lines 33 to 156 in 8e2ad0c

### Editor
When developing Slinc, it's suggested to use [VSCode]( along with the [Metals]( extension. Slinc is heavily dependent on compile-time programming, and VSCode+Metals works very well with this development model. One can use other editors, but it's probably mandatory to use Metals.
Using metals, one can import the build definition from mill. If one encounters an issue with the import failing for no discernable reason, try deleting the `out` directory and trying again. There is a problem with this project and mill failing to generate bloop configurations. If one encounters errors when viewing a code base that do not resolve themselves, it's suggested to try closing VSCode, killing all Java processes, and deleting .metals, .bloop, and out. Generally, this will fix all issues.
When developing for Slinc, choose an implementation to focus on, and choose the appropriate JDK for it. Switch with the appropriate `default` command on sdkman, kill all java processes, and afterwards open the project with VSCode. The corresponding `j` project should be having no missing definition errors after this process. Switching between JDK versions follows the same process.
## Compiling
The following commands compile the Slinc projecs:
* core: `./mill core.compile`
* j17: `./mill j17.compile`
* j19: `./mill j19.compile`
* runtime: `./mill runtime.compile`
Compiling the entire project would normally be done by running `./mill _.compile`, but considering the different project have different JDK requirements, the full compilation takes the form of
sdk u java && \
./mill core.compile && \
./mill core.test.compile && \
./mill j17.compile && \
sdk u java 19-tem && \
./mill j19.compile && \
#optional sdk u java &&
./mill runtime.compile
Only j17 and j19 have a hard dependency on specific JDK major versions. Core and runtime can be compiled with either java 17 or 19 as you wish.
## Testing
Tests exist for all portions of the project. They can be executed by running `./mill <project-name>.test`. Examples are:
* `./mill j17.test`
* `./mill j19.test`
* `./mill core.test`
* `./mill runtime.test`
Please note that testing runtime involves doing the delicate compilation dance listed above.
Testing code is generally stored in the `core` project under `core/test/src`. Java 17, Java 19, and runtime specific tests may exist in the future, but at the moment, all implementations use a generic testing base.
Tests in Slinc use munit and scalacheck. One can read how to use munit with scalacheck [here]( and how to use scalacheck [here](
In order to develop a new test suite for Slinc, add the implementation to `core/test/src`. If the test suite is testing an implementation in `core` then one can define it in the normal way specified by the munit documentation. However, if it's meant to be a test of Slinc implementations, it should be defined in a generic fashion like so:
package fr.hammons.slinc
import munit.ScalaCheckSuite
trait MyTestSuite(slinc: Slinc) extends ScalaCheckSuite:
import slinc.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
After defining this in core, add the test to `j17/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` and `j19/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` with the following code:
package fr.hammons.slinc
class MyTestSuite17 extends MyTestSuite(Slinc17.default)
If one's test suite concerns JIT compilation, one can use `noJit` and `immediate` implementations to make one's test suites test the unjitted and jitted versions of the runtime.
### Troubleshooting tests
Sometimes when running a freshly written test, or testing freshly written code, one might encounter a situation where the test suite will stop testing early, or never stop running.
Generally, the test suite will stop running early when some part of the Slinc runtime fails to initialize properly. One can easily detect if this is the case by moving some test code out of the test section into the root of the suite.
Observe the following example:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
test("myTest") {
should be rewritten to
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
This tends to force the test suite to actually reveal the exception that's breaking it, and will help one fix the issue in question.
When a test suite continues forever, the cause is usually the same, but with regards to a propertyBased test:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
property("myProperty") {
(i: Int) =>
val ptr = Ptr.blank[CInt]
!ptr = i
assertEquals(!ptr, i)
should be changed to

val memWriter: Writer[Mem]
def unionReader(td: TypeDescriptor): Reader[CUnion[? <: NonEmptyTuple]]
def unionWriter(td: TypeDescriptor): Writer[CUnion[? <: NonEmptyTuple]]
def write(
memory: Mem,
offset: Bytes,
typeDescriptor: TypeDescriptor,
value: typeDescriptor.Inner
): Unit
def writeArray[A](memory: Mem, offset: Bytes, value: Array[A])(using
): Unit
def read(
memory: Mem,
offset: Bytes,
typeDescriptor: TypeDescriptor
): typeDescriptor.Inner
def readArray[A](memory: Mem, offset: Bytes, size: Int)(using
): Array[A]
def readFn[A](
mem: Mem,
descriptor: CFunctionDescriptor,
fn: => MethodHandle => Mem => A

### Editor
When developing Slinc, it's suggested to use [VSCode]( along with the [Metals]( extension. Slinc is heavily dependent on compile-time programming, and VSCode+Metals works very well with this development model. One can use other editors, but it's probably mandatory to use Metals.
Using metals, one can import the build definition from mill. If one encounters an issue with the import failing for no discernable reason, try deleting the `out` directory and trying again. There is a problem with this project and mill failing to generate bloop configurations. If one encounters errors when viewing a code base that do not resolve themselves, it's suggested to try closing VSCode, killing all Java processes, and deleting .metals, .bloop, and out. Generally, this will fix all issues.
When developing for Slinc, choose an implementation to focus on, and choose the appropriate JDK for it. Switch with the appropriate `default` command on sdkman, kill all java processes, and afterwards open the project with VSCode. The corresponding `j` project should be having no missing definition errors after this process. Switching between JDK versions follows the same process.
## Compiling
The following commands compile the Slinc projecs:
* core: `./mill core.compile`
* j17: `./mill j17.compile`
* j19: `./mill j19.compile`
* runtime: `./mill runtime.compile`
Compiling the entire project would normally be done by running `./mill _.compile`, but considering the different project have different JDK requirements, the full compilation takes the form of
sdk u java && \
./mill core.compile && \
./mill core.test.compile && \
./mill j17.compile && \
sdk u java 19-tem && \
./mill j19.compile && \
#optional sdk u java &&
./mill runtime.compile
Only j17 and j19 have a hard dependency on specific JDK major versions. Core and runtime can be compiled with either java 17 or 19 as you wish.
## Testing
Tests exist for all portions of the project. They can be executed by running `./mill <project-name>.test`. Examples are:
* `./mill j17.test`
* `./mill j19.test`
* `./mill core.test`
* `./mill runtime.test`
Please note that testing runtime involves doing the delicate compilation dance listed above.
Testing code is generally stored in the `core` project under `core/test/src`. Java 17, Java 19, and runtime specific tests may exist in the future, but at the moment, all implementations use a generic testing base.
Tests in Slinc use munit and scalacheck. One can read how to use munit with scalacheck [here]( and how to use scalacheck [here](
In order to develop a new test suite for Slinc, add the implementation to `core/test/src`. If the test suite is testing an implementation in `core` then one can define it in the normal way specified by the munit documentation. However, if it's meant to be a test of Slinc implementations, it should be defined in a generic fashion like so:
package fr.hammons.slinc
import munit.ScalaCheckSuite
trait MyTestSuite(slinc: Slinc) extends ScalaCheckSuite:
import slinc.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
After defining this in core, add the test to `j17/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` and `j19/test/src/fr/hammons/slinc` with the following code:
package fr.hammons.slinc
class MyTestSuite17 extends MyTestSuite(Slinc17.default)
If one's test suite concerns JIT compilation, one can use `noJit` and `immediate` implementations to make one's test suites test the unjitted and jitted versions of the runtime.
### Troubleshooting tests
Sometimes when running a freshly written test, or testing freshly written code, one might encounter a situation where the test suite will stop testing early, or never stop running.
Generally, the test suite will stop running early when some part of the Slinc runtime fails to initialize properly. One can easily detect if this is the case by moving some test code out of the test section into the root of the suite.
Observe the following example:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
test("myTest") {
should be rewritten to
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*,given}
test("myTest") {
This tends to force the test suite to actually reveal the exception that's breaking it, and will help one fix the issue in question.
When a test suite continues forever, the cause is usually the same, but with regards to a propertyBased test:
trait MySuite(s: Slinc) extends ScalacheckSuite:
import s.{*, given}
property("myProperty") {
(i: Int) =>
val ptr = Ptr.blank[CInt]
!ptr = i
assertEquals(!ptr, i)
should be changed to

I'm a bot that handles simple bugs and feature requests but I might make mistakes. Please be kind!

I'm sorry, but it looks like an error has occured. Try removing and re-adding the sweep label. I'll try again in a minute. If this error persists contact

I'm a bot that handles simple bugs and feature requests but I might make mistakes. Please be kind!