
scaladoc needs to be properly html-escaped.

mseddon opened this issue · 0 comments

as reported by @ochrons via gitter, a trivial issue with an easy fix:

'for some reason in the "comment" section is not closed and all the method names look big because of that.
Probably because the comment includes elements such as <body> and <table> making ScalaDoc confused'

Good to catch them all in a single PR (we don't use nested /** */ comments afaik so an easy regex search ought to work). Perhaps put a note in the scala-js project's

Something worth looking out for when reviewing PRs for now.

Scalastyle also has an org.scalastyle.scalariform.ScalaDocChecker plugin, and I'm not sure we're using it in scala-js, (or how good it is for catching this kind of error, or if it introduces more problems than it would solve...). Eventually maybe we should maintain a duplicate of that task here.