
URL is not exposed as a global object

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Calling URL.createObjectURL() is not possible as URL is only a trait. It should be exposed as a global object for easy access to its static methods.

Workaround is to implement the object in your own code as

object URL extends dom.URL

The fix (ac070db) removed the trait, which removed access to the constructor, which seems to be a regression. Instead of replacing the URL trait with the object definition, the trait should be brought back and maybe also some of URL's properties should be exposed.

See and

sjrd commented

The trait did not give access to the constructor. The non-"static" (and experimental) part of URL has never been there. So the fix you mention did not remove anything that was there before.

Feel free to open a separate issue (and PR) for the missing non-static parts.

Ah, right. Just saw I had a class implementing the trait. Will submit a PR