
Split huge files into smaller units

japgolly opened this issue ยท 12 comments

Atm we have huge files like lib.scala with tons of stuff in them. It would be nice to split this into a more traditional structure.

@japgolly Do you still want to do this?

@armanbilge Oh no way lol. I absolutely do not want to do this but I was resolved to because it'll be valuable and make future maintenance easier. If you want to do though, feel free! I would be overjoyed lol

Lol! @sjrd also strongly recommended against in #545 (comment). I (begrudgingly) think we should consider closing.

My understanding of that comment is that he was against doing both changes at the same time. git blame isn't a compelling reason to me anyway for not improving the codebase. We should do the best we can by git but the value of the codebase far outweights the value of git, especially on a project like this where it's 99% facades. Plus do keep in mind that git blame is already useless due to reformatting. If we really want to know the history, git blame isn't the best way and it can still be achieved via git.

Ah, makes sense now. Ok, well I'll mark this help-wanted since basically anyone can do it.

sjrd commented

My understanding of that comment is that he was against doing both changes at the same time.

That's indeed what I was saying.

Automation coming to save the day................. ๐Ÿ‘€

Hey @armanbilge just a an FYI, this is like 85% done but something came up, I got interrupted and it looks like I wont online for 4 days or so. Not even for reviewing your PRs unfortunately. Do with that info whatever you think is best, I'll be back next week, and sorry for any inconvenience :)

No worries, have a nice long weekend I hope!

looks like I wont online for 4 days or so

Ah yeah, sorry but I've had a bit of a medical emergency that blew out way beyond 4 days. It's going to take quite a while to resolve but slowly, slowly I'll starting coming back bit by bit. Sorry about the inconvenience and feel free to maintain away without my involvement. Don't want to hold anyone back.

Don't worry at all, wishing a healthy recovery so please take all the time you need. Thanks for clearing the PR queue, I'll keep chugging away.

Thanks @armanbilge !