
(Non-snapshot) release is broken

armanbilge opened this issue ยท 2 comments

We got bit by the hack again :(

When this script runs in CI, it modifies the build.sbt file. This causes the git repo to become dirty, so when the release script runs it derives a version number like 1.2.0+0-2471029d+20210825-0618-SNAPSHOT. This makes it impossible to publish a non-shapshot release.

Possible fixes:

  • hard-code version v1.2.0 into the build.sbt. No idea if this would work, the docs for sbt-ci-release specifically say you must not define version.
  • Don't publish for Scala 2.10 so we don't have to run this script in CI. If anyone complains, deal with it then.

@armanbilge ok cool, I just manually set the version in sbt (which sbt-dynver recognises as an override) and it seems to have worked. Don't close this yet though, we're actually lucky the release worked but I need to leave ASAP -- will continue later this arvo

I think we're good now:

  • snapshot releases work (on both master + series/v1.x)
  • tagged releases work will on master
  • tagged releases work on v1.x with a manual version-setting step