
All facade default arguments should be `js.native`

japgolly opened this issue ยท 4 comments

Enforce via scalafix

Mostly in agreement with this, the only thing nice about not always doing this is that the default arguments can be self-documenting of the underlying default. Or also wrong or out of sync (which is confusing in code but admittedly not unexpected in scaladoc).

Yeah I hear what you're saying. This is my current thinking: I didn't even realise defaults other than js.native would even compile, I have a vague sense that it wouldn't back in the day. So in terms of default facade args, I'm equivalent to a new user in not knowing how it works. I see two possibilities:

  1. it's just informational and not actually used (i.e. def a(x=1)=native; a() is equivalent to a() in JS). In which case I find default args misleading. The norm is Scala is that default arguments are used and knowing that they aren't in this case requires some very fine-print reading of the Scala.js docs, if it's even explicitly mentioned at all.

  2. it's used (i.e. def a(x=1)=native; a() is equivalent to a(1) in JS) in which case, how can I produce a Scala equivalent of a() in JS?

Those two options seem like a total dichotomy to me, and retaining defaults other than js.native results in a negative result in both cases. I think ScalaDoc should be the standard place for non-functional information.

Hmm, that is confusing! I think what is happening is they all become js.undefined actually. But since only js.UndefOr types can be js.undefined then we use js.native as the default argument since that works everywhere.

๐Ÿ‘ let's go ahead with this. The only place I saw non-js.native used (where you first caught it) the default argument was wrong anyway lol. But I'm sure it's littered over the code base.

Some places can't use js.native as their default args for now, see scala-js/scala-js#4553