Redundant () on non-mutating calls.
strelec opened this issue · 2 comments
Since Scala 3 enforces the distinction between calls without brackets, and with empty parameter list, some calls become somewhat ugly.
For example:
It would probably make sense to revisit all methods that use empty parameter lists and unify. Generally, if the method is non-mutating, it should drop the brackets.
Thanks for reporting.
Generally, if the method is non-mutating, it should drop the brackets.
Yes, this is generally good practice for Scala code. However, for Scala.js facades the brackets are an important distinction:
definitions without parentheses all map to field access in JavaScript, whereasdef
definitions with parentheses (even empty) map to method calls in JavaScript.
Because these are method calls in JavaScript (and not field accesses), we have no choice but to put the brackets.
Indeed, declaring a method with or without ()
makes a semantic difference. Declaring them without ()
would break the meaning of the facade wrt. the JavaScript code behind it. So this very much as designed and must not be changed.