
bogus Extensions.scala in

tballard opened this issue · 1 comments

In my sources list there is the following entry:


Well, there is no such file on my box and I can't actually even write in that directory. I was chasing a bug when I found an error about it somewhere. It turns it was not actually the cause of the bug so I'm not too concerned, but I bet one of your developers has/had that file on his machine and somhow the buid kept a reference to it.

Thanks for the report. I assume that you are using scala-js-dom 1.x? It seems to be referencing this file here:

/home/runner/work/scala-js-dom/... is actually the path used by GitHub CI machines when publishing scala-js-dom artifacts to Sonatype/Maven. So, it seems like our sourcemaps may not be configured correctly.