
Is this project abandoned?

SethTisue opened this issue · 14 comments

Are new maintainers sought?

Regardless of what the situation is, it would be good if the README were frank about it.

lrytz commented

In case this is alive:

Since it's published under org.scala-lang.modules, it would make sense to use the sbt-scala-modules sbt plugin and the mechanism for tag-driven releases, like for example in If someone is interested, I can help.

Since it's published under org.scala-lang.modules

(We should change that, actually...)


ch.epfl.scala perhaps

Let's not change package names unnecessarily.

Let's not change package names unnecessarily

at the moment we're only talking about changing the organization under which the module is published, not package names in the code

Sorry, writing from my phone while on honeymoon. Let's not change organization names/break build files. Same logic applies

nothing will change while you're off on your trip, I promise :-)

Any news? :)

Any update? There are so many open issues with no new replies, and long-standing goals for what is now at some level remedial support (e.g.: #451), that I worry this project is in fact abandoned. —but I sure hope not! Any news? Thanks!

@rrwright I can help you get your code submitted into the project, but I just don't have time to do the 2.11->2.12 transition. My fear is that the loss of whitebox macros means this project needs to pull a phoenix and be brought back as a different beast entirely.

Thanks @jsuereth . That sounds pretty conclusive on the demise of this project. :-/

@heathermiller any objection to simply using GitHub's "archive" feature on this repo...?

I am archiving the repo now.