
Publish version 1.0.1

SethTisue opened this issue ยท 6 comments

to ship the new Scala.js support, primarily

let's upgrade to sbt-scala-module 3.0 first, though done

2021-09-09 21:37:13.233Z  info [SonatypeService] sonatypeRepository  :  - (SonatypeService.scala:23)
2021-09-09 21:37:13.236Z  info [SonatypeService] sonatypeProfileName : org.scala-lang  - (SonatypeService.scala:24)
[info] Preparing a new staging repository for [sbt-sonatype] scala-async 1.0.1
2021-09-09 21:37:13.237Z  info [SonatypeClient] Reading staging repository profiles...  - (SonatypeClient.scala:108)
2021-09-09 21:37:13.872Z error [Sonatype] 
wvlet.airframe.http.HttpClientException: [401: Unauthorized]
	at wvlet.airframe.http.HttpClientException$.requestFailure(HttpClientException.scala:67)

the problem isn't transient (it happened when I tried it last week, too)

seems like the secrets I added to must be wrong somehow

dunno if looking at it will help, but the last successful publishing run on Travis-CI was

oh oops I had SONATYPE_USER instead of the correct SONATYPE_USERNAME ๐Ÿ™„

@OndrejSpanel take it for a spin...?

With pleasure ...

It works in my cross-platform project, both in Scala JVM and Scala.js.

Thanks for publishing the version.