
False warnings with scalac-option `-Wnonunit-statement`

cornerman opened this issue · 2 comments

The scala-async macro does not work well together with the rather new scalac option -Wnonunit-statement (scala/scala#9893).


  def test(): Future[Boolean] =
    async {

This will yield a warning:

unused value of type Boolean (add `: Unit` to discard silently)
[warn]     async {

Anything we can do about it?

This seems to be related how markForAsyncTransform work in the scala compiler. The above expression desugars into the following:

  final class stateMachine$async extends _root_.scala.async.FutureStateMachine {
    def <init>(): stateMachine$async = {
    override def apply(tr$async: scala.util.Try[AnyRef]): Unit = {
  (new stateMachine$async().start[Nothing](): scala.concurrent.Future[Boolean])

There we have an unused non-unit statement with the locally block which returns an unused Boolean.