
Release 2.11.13

retronym opened this issue · 17 comments

NOTE: at this point, we are not committing to another 2.11 release -- this is a placeholder to collect TODOs in case we do decide to cut another release.


  • Backport ASM upgrade to fix regression: scala/scala#6180
  • Fix regression in runner script with unset $JAVA_HOME
  • Opportunity for community to help with more targetted backports, in particular ones that help Spark along the lines of scala/scala#6195
  • Backport scala/scala#8210
sjrd commented

Advertising a regression I had found in 2.10.7 and 2.11.12: scala/bug#10609

Note that personally, I don't care whether it's going to be fixed or not; I just disabled the failing test in our test suite. But maybe this affects other people.

Might make sense to talk about scala/scala#6195.
It causes a Spark-shell issue SPARK-22393.
Please note that the changes in that PR are "retrofitted" into Spark-shell (not merged yet), so this is not really a priority.

note that publishing 2.11.13 would now require either resurrecting some now-decayed/disabled Jenkins stuff, or backporting the Travis-CI-based publishing from 2.12.x

Crashes due to -Yrangepos validation affect IDE and tooling (e.g. scalameta) users, so it'd make a ton of sense to backport scala/scala#6754

Apparently 2.12 can emit code that causes ambiguous method errors in javac starting with Java 11, this should be fixed by scala/scala#7035. I assume that 2.11 is affected by this and could benefit from a backport.

if this happens, we might want to backport the license change to Apache 2 (scala/scala#7314, scala/scala#7407, scala/scala#7730, scala/scala#8015)

and undeprecate .linesIterator, as we did in 2.12.8

and bump the copyright year to 2019 or whatever. (I'm about to PR this to 2.12.x.)

this is only a would-be-nice, but if the 2.11.x REPL could be made to work on JDK 11, without risk of breaking something else, that'd be nice. it's scala/bug#10603

this hashmap fix backport PR could be reopened and merged: scala/scala#7522

Backport ASM upgrade to fix regression: scala/scala#6180

and scala/scala#7780

The ASM 7 upgrade is trickier, but I have a PR for the 6.2 one (scala/scala#8079), which should be enough, as our ambitions for 2.11 don't extend beyond Java 11

We should backport scala/scala#8289 (fix Scaladoc generation on JDK 11+, as per scala/bug#11635); I have seen it in the 2.11 community build (grizzled and monix both, in

re: ASM upgrade, we should watch out for scala/bug#11667 (unless that proves to be ASM 7 specific, and it sounds like we won't go all the way 7, recording it here regardless just in case) [edit: the bug is not related to the asm upgrade]

note that we now require Java 8+ on the 2.11.x branch

We have seen scala/scala#8289 as well in some of our internal builds (as well as those using Spark)

Closing, as this seems unlikely to ever happen, unless somebody threw money at us