
Release version 2.3.0

SethTisue opened this issue · 3 comments

my first attempt failed — I'll try again. I deleted the release and tag, which is okay because no artifacts were published

the failure log is at

it shows

2023-04-05 11:42:01.810Z  info [SonatypeClient] Reading staging repository profiles...  - (SonatypeClient.scala:108)
2023-04-05 11:42:03.381Z error [Sonatype] 
wvlet.airframe.http.HttpClientException: [401: Unauthorized]
	at wvlet.airframe.http.HttpClientException$.requestFailure(HttpClientException.scala:67)
	at wvlet.airframe.http.HttpClientException$.classifyHttpResponse(HttpClientException.scala:113)
	at wvlet.airframe.http.HttpClient$.$anonfun$defaultHttpClientRetry$1(HttpClient.scala:382)
	at wvlet.airframe.control.Retry$RetryContext.runInternal(Retry.scala:272)
	at wvlet.airframe.control.Retry$RetryContext.runWithContext(Retry.scala:257)
	at wvlet.airframe.http.client.URLConnectionClient.send(URLConnectionClient.scala:64)
	at wvlet.airframe.http.client.URLConnectionClient.get(URLConnectionClient.scala:165)
	at xerial.sbt.sonatype.SonatypeClient.stagingRepositoryProfiles(SonatypeClient.scala:110)

I'm not sure what to make of this, We just rolled a release a few months ago and this didn't happen.

The secrets at date back to September 2021. I guess I'll try regenerating them and see if that helps.

(But not today.)

replacing the PGP key didn't help, but then it was a Sonatype login issue, so that makes sense

but the Sonatype login info hasn't changed 🤔

regardless, I re-added that login info and re-ran the job

and it seems to be working now 🤷