
New release

hacetin opened this issue · 2 comments

When do you plan the next release? I see plans for new release in

We need it because of two reasons:

  • scalapb-validate:-core0.3.5 fails to build with scalapb:0.11.5, so version upgrades may help. Some errors:
    [Error] /Users/.../build/generated/source/proto/main/scalapb/com/google/protobuf/descriptor/FeatureSet.scala:486:108: type StringFieldValidation is not a member of object
    [Error] /Users/.../build/generated/source/proto/main/scalapb/com/google/protobuf/descriptor/FieldOptions.scala:853:47: type mismatch;
      found   : =>
      required: String => ?
    [Error] /Users/.../build/generated/source/proto/main/scalapb/com/google/protobuf/descriptor/FileDescriptorProto.scala:293:45: type mismatch;
      found   : =>
      required: String => ?
  • To use protobuf java v4
  1. The first bullet seems like a bug - can you provide instructions to reproduce or better yet a minimal project that demonstrates it?
  2. Until we have a release, you should be able to use scalapb 0.11.x with protobuf-java v4. Set protocVersion to say 4.26.1, and add protobuf-java 4.26.1 as a library dependency.

There is a snapshot release being made for master for each commit. You can see the version numbers here: - latest right now is 0.11.15+43-7fafdd61-SNAPSHOT
I'd start a preview release for ScalaPB 0.12 so early adopters can follow on upcoming changes, but I don't have a timeline for a final 0.12.0.

Closing due to inactivity.