
[Windows] Generate a Scalatra project

Closed this issue · 12 comments

when I run g8 scalatra/scalatra-sbt

I can't write the answer about of my new project


Do you get a working project?
I can't try it under Windows (Linux here), but it looks like the console input does not get processed correctly (no newlines).

Make sure you are using the most recent version of g8.

Do you get a working project? Yes, I do.
but I can't write, for example "name" etc.

@dozed Is there a way could I help you? which is the reason I can't see the questions

Do you use the most recent version of g8?

I downloaded 2 days ago

You could try using cygwin, for installation see here. There is also a terminal emulator which can be used with cygwin called mintty. For installation of mintty see here.

I hope this helps. In my experience cygwin/mintty doesnt work quite well with SBT for example, but maybe it does with g8.

@marti1125 does your problem relate in any way to foundweekends/giter8#114 ?

Other people are reporting problems with Windows and g8. The last time I tried a Windows install, maybe nine months ago, it did work alright, but I haven't tried since then. It could be a new bug in g8.

One workaround which may help: if you can't type into the prompts for some reason, you can try an alternate method of setting the params. E.g. you could do:

g8 scalatra/scalatra-sbt.g8 --organization com.example --package --name "My Scalatra Web App" --scalatra_version 2.2.2 --servlet_name Foo --scala_version 2.10.2 --version 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT

Does that work for the moment, until we figure out what's going on with g8?

I am running into the same issue. @futurechimp I have tried your suggestion and all I get back is saying unknown option --organization --package, etc.... i will keep playing with it and see what I can figure out.

I am on windows 7, java version 1.7.0_45, Java SE runtime 1.7.0_45-b18, latest version of cs and g8.


You have to use --param=value

Using the following snippet works:

g8 scalatra/scalatra-sbt.g8 --organization=com.example --name="My Scalatra Web App" --scalatra_version=2.2.2 --servlet_name=Foo --scala_version=2.10.2 --version=0.1.0-SNAPSHOT

@jeremywhitt it works for me, thanks

FYI, I have a pull request which fixes g8: foundweekends/giter8#124

The aforementioned pull request is now released in giter8 0.6.1. Update giter8, and this template should work in Windows now.

considering there has been no more activity on this ticket for months and there is a resolution as last comment, I'm going to close it.